each of the vincent jobs has its purpose. warlord for trigger team, bzker which of course everyone knows bout it, gladiator for cc control in arena (but lately vin gladiator's usefulness has gone down alot) and vincent dragoon which in later game content you will know how important he is (one of th...
We keep getting more and more mega bosses so you might want to start working on an anti-mega boss team. You can check out my guide here http://forum.playvaliantforce.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2937 #ShamelessPlug It's a step by step guide to make an anti-mega boss team and luckily, you have every sin...
We keep getting more and more mega bosses so you might want to start working on an anti-mega boss team. You can check out my guide here http://forum.playvaliantforce.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2937 #ShamelessPlug It's a step by step guide to make an anti-mega boss team and luckily, you have every sin...
sooo... I'm still lost but lucky. I seriously cannot believe my luck during summons. But I'm still trying to get a grasp of the game (it's only been a month for me) and I feel so lost here's my current heroes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5lxTmXPYuCyYmVoWDVEMVhoX0U/view?usp=drivesdk https://dri...
I myself cannot believe that I get Ronan! It's kinda shocking to me , even though the Faith isn't what I expected but at least I got him lolol https://scontent-sin6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-0/p480x480/15875161_1627855660852117_2618644697324742234_o.jpg?oh=ffe08618f6f61199c9f6653c9107caa3&oe=59196542 ...
You've already gotten a nice line up there. Change Vincent into berserker, Darrion into Blood Knight (or Chaos Knight if you have no Ninja available, but Blood Knight is more preferrable), Ronan into whichever one you like (both are good in their own right). Nadia to Sharpshooter for increased atta...
So, I've been playing for almost two weeks now, I'm planning to be exclusively f2p unless I get a ton of extra money (being in college is really costly), and I feel like I got really lucky with the summons, and that I have really good heroes. The problem is, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do wi...
I would recommend taking the Mind Warder path. This class is the best balance between utility and damages among his other classes. The elementalist is nice but once you compared her aura to Kiera, it would be very much inferior. The mind warder path not only deals decent damage but delays all skill...