It doesnt mean that they or we have the right to be ahead of other gamers. because its just a testing Phase but not an officially released game. And last if vf decides to have a wipe out, cbt gamers has already a big advantage in game because they or we already knew the strategy or right build for ...
Goodluck on your guild, this type of guild recruitment will attract players once open beta begins and people visits this forum. Maybe once the OBT starts, I might join
Finally, this update is now here: Equipment Set items A selected number of 4-stars sets with 4 items will now be split into 2 sets, each with its own bonus. For example, XXX's set originally requires all 4 items to get the set bonus. Now, by having 2 of XXX's set items, players will get 1 bonus. Wea...
I like the new "Ambush" gameplay wise. But i'm really annoyed but this never ending grind fest, that all korean games have. I prefer the japanese style ones. They love games, but they don't want/ don't have time to grind 24/24 for a mobile game. They should make it more challangable and cut down th...