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by ScherBR
Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:58 am
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: [Feedback] Trigger Abuse Case and a Possible solution for it
Replies: 28
Views: 18916

Re: [Feedback] Trigger Abuse Case and a Possible solution for it

I wouldn't really say "  silence aura for 2 turns after 15 attacks" on 2nd boss a nerf too. It more like putting back raid 2 back to what it was intended to be. There is a legit team to clear boss 2 and that team is not a SDD team, so u will 101% not trigger that at all. Talking about SDD, the iron...
by ScherBR
Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:37 am
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: [Feedback] Trigger Abuse Case and a Possible solution for it
Replies: 28
Views: 18916

[Feedback] Trigger Abuse Case and a Possible solution for it

Since the abuse of SDD comps the whole ecosystem of PVE content has been in constant changes to try to limit it, or at least make it’s use more limited or impossible (raid 2?) This is a long lasting problem in VF that will keep making people trying to discover new ways to keep using, and they are da...
by ScherBR
Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:55 pm
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Time Based Raids?
Replies: 10
Views: 8328

Re: Time Based Raids?

If we were to compete fairly in a guild, shouldn't all the guild members be presented with the same enemy each one fought with their own effort?  You have Guy A who beat and chew off the tail and one paw of the Emerald Serpent after 2 keys (for example) and Guy B came and took out the head and rema...
by ScherBR
Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:11 pm
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: 4th aura direction
Replies: 6
Views: 4221

Re: 4th aura direction

Don't have problems with a 3 point aura, we just need easier ways to change the directions, if all heroes can reach 4 directions now there would be even more abuse of some mechanics or triggers
by ScherBR
Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:08 pm
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Free valiant hero selector to old players.
Replies: 9
Views: 6448

Re: Free valiant hero selector to old players.

Maybe from time to time, but the two valiant tickets we get to be a selector, don't think so
by ScherBR
Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:05 pm
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Time Based Raids?
Replies: 10
Views: 8328

Re: Time Based Raids?

Sorry, but I don't like your idea at all, I suggested something related on other thread What you are trying to do is solve one problem by creating another, this new problem can be even worse First of all, they need to remove the retreat opt...
by ScherBR
Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:06 am
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Fixing High Raid Damage Problems with an Easy Fix
Replies: 14
Views: 9874

Re: Fixing High Raid Damage Problems with an Easy Fix

And we are once more having to deal with this inconvenience, please devs, help us?

3 hours passed and Snake is already dead with lots of people missing the hit!
by ScherBR
Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:44 am
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: 10 Small Suggestion to help the Flow of the Game
Replies: 8
Views: 5585

10 Small Suggestion to help the Flow of the Game

I can hardly imagine I’m playing this game for 1 year now. Being on CBT since day 3, having to download an APK for 9 months till the Global Release of Arathos. Playing it for that long, and interacting with other players made me notice some small things that could be changed for the benefit of the g...
by ScherBR
Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:45 am
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Encouraging Diversity with Formations Bonus for PVE and PVP
Replies: 12
Views: 8853

Re: Encouraging Diversity with Formations Bonus for PVE and PVP

a.k.a, this will not really do the goal you are expecting, which is to try something new. What this will achieve, instead, is for players to figure out how to maximize these formation bonuses with the current meta, as in to utilize these bonuses with SDD or Trigger Rangers. And honestly I hate the ...
by ScherBR
Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:21 pm
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Encouraging Diversity with Formations Bonus for PVE and PVP
Replies: 12
Views: 8853

Re: Encouraging Diversity with Formations Bonus for PVE and PVP

Despite a good suggestion, I feel that it doesnt remove the problem of SDD/Trigger Ranges being far too strong. It'll probably work well in Arena, admittedly, but it really doesnt make SDD/Trigger Rangers any weaker. In fact, they can easily utilize the Double hero formations (And triple hero forma...
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