This post by Revenance sums EVERYTHING up. A bit long but definitely worth the read. And yes, I'm talking to you devs. Hey bro. I think there is a serious misinterpretation and understanding between us. But first, please calm down and read this post and the first post of mine with an open mind. I re...
On top of the irrational nerf, what rubbed more salt on the wound was the fact that it was a ninja nerf. Sure they did tease a balancing of some sort of other heroes but no, that vague statemen does not count. Remember the summoner era on arena? They released a good dev blog on it. Asked opinions fr...
MiloD, on rvm1975's questions please. They knew Sven was strong and op so they let us whale on him and gave no hints for a nerf so they could earn more. While they were at it, they couldve sold a Valinite Sven Costume lmao. Prepare for some OP Elf race shit. Then prepare for it to be ninja nerfd. Lm...
The thing is people have invested and whaled on Sven already. It took what, two? months to nerf him? So are we really going to get along with this cycle? Devs introduce OP unit -> people spend $$$$ on unit -> nerf unit or introduce an even more OP unit -> repeat Good luck to those who are still blin...
hey, i get it man, i myself also consider dolphin player in vf and i dun like some of the changes too....providing opinion is important but maybe in a less aggressive way?? I need to be aggressive because I represent, defend and entice other individuals in playing this game, YES! I have a certain p...
I guess you really are retarded and delusional, no point in replying here further. Good luck with your suggestion directed towards imbeciles like yourself. Lmao
I don't rember what event was that wherein they teased something a feature like this. LeonZai live streamed that iirc. It was in Thai? Cant recall really That was an event where players sat and had talk with the devs and devs teased future plans such as elf race, future 6*, mystic normal attack sc...