Hey friends!
Who we are: We are Chaos Elite, born to compete, and never retreat!
We reside on the newest Server, Hesteil, and are a good mix of new and experienced players. We are a level 26 guild and currently have 3 spots available.
What we require: Generally, everyone is welcome! The only thing that you need to do is be active and above lvl 40 (less likely to quit after this point), Daily activity (in the form of daily quests and raid attendance) is very much needed for the guild progress, but that is probably obvious. And Discord for guild communication.
What we offer: We can full clear raid 1 legendary (rank 10 last week) and moving towards raid 2 so we need more raiders! Rank 13 in last guild raid event (Guin Event)
We have a very frequented discord server where we discuss raid setups, general questions or just chitchat. In case you need anything, don't be too shy to ask!
If you have any questions, just hit me up. In case you want to join, a short message with ign on discord would be helpful to identify you. Can send them on discord to @Icey#6719 or @Sengi#5721 (this is needed as we don't accept applications outside of discord)
Hope to see you soon!