the english speaking Guild Fairytail in [Hestial] is Recruiting active Players above level 50

Server: Hestial
Guildname: Fairytail
Language: English
Guild Level: 32
Raid 1: Master (Usually 1 Week needed)
Raid 2: Legendary (Usually 2 Weeks needed, we try to keep it always open)
Main Communication tool: Line Messanger App.
Guildstatus: Open (We select Player! People only taking rewards get kicked without discussion)
About us:
We have a 3 People Leaderteam thats constantly trying to improve the Guild Archievments in Raids, Guildevents and Conquest.
In our Guild we exepct Participation in Raids, Guildevents and Conquest from every Player, Player that don't Participate without prior Notice get a Marker once, after the second time they are kicked. (Everyone can have a bad week but always sitting on Archievments that are not partly your own is not our Style

We usually Communicate in Line discussing how to improve, fight in Conquest or simply how to best deal with a Boss.
Every Player above Level 50 thats willing to fight alongside us is welcome

Nazgrad Vice Leader of Fairytail