Sven and Talissa's nerf is not slight or minor rebalancing. It is clear destroy of those heroes main functionality. Sven became useless in PVE because of suicidal pet and Talissa in PVP.
I am new player and sven berserker is my main and the only the force in event actions. I was able to clear master in last event using Sven. But now I can't. I have only 3 valiants - Lucielle, Shizu and Darrion. Will they replace my Sven - NO, any way to quickly get Freya - NO way. Do I have plans to get the Gwen - after Sven's nerf - NO.
I am losing the trust into this game company.
Why can't you guys understand the meaning of "Be it slight or minor nerf,
Can you guys please stop the selective reading? The main point is not the slight or minor, it's the one in BOLD.
Hi Jayle, actually sorry to say this but, you are the one that needs to be corrected. When someone use the phrase "be it..." it usually follows up with 2
different scenarios. The problem comes when you use "be it..." and follows up with "
slight or
minor" which in my vocabulary technically means
the same (or close to the same)
If you were using the phrase/context correctly, your sentence is basically saying that you think the changes are
slight AND minor.
I'm not selective reading here.
I agree with Revenance that the nerf was totally unintentional - i.e. they planned to nerf Sven in PVP but instead, the nerf did basically nothing to him in PVP (5 hits by the pet in PVP still means certain death to a few units), but instead hurt him in PVE unintentionally.
Well isn't my two scenarios presented to you??? "Slight and minor nerf" is 1 scenario and "anything taken away from you" is another scenario? Aren't this two different scenarios for you to compare? "Anything" doesn't contain a definite value. Slight and minor have a minimal value. When you compare an indefinite value and a minimal value, you can't say it's the same.
Have you totally miss the "
Anything taken away from you" instead of just "Slight" or "minor" or "SLIGHT or MINOR".
As for nerfing Sven being unintentional, well I can't tell you how to relate it. But have you ever for ONCE thought about replacing your Sven for something else? If not, then I don't have to explain anything because that's the intention and you without anything to replace, will always disagree because you won't bother to find an alternative to retain or match your scores.
It's sad, really. To see the players looking at scores and ranking base on damage just like how companies in Singapore always look for paper qualification. Try asking them to look at experience or something else but no, it has to be that paper qualification, that piece of paper.