This is your friendly neighbourhood Forum Admin, Mauve, here to bring you a special announcement.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve received plenty of feedback from you, our dear players, about the new Conquest. Rest assured that we have definitely been listening, conveying your feedback to the team, and we have worked hard to bring you the following improvements:

As for the final rewards that go out to all guild members, we’ve managed to push for an increase in the number of perfect diamonds across the board.
New Final Rewards:

Last but not least, 5 more floors will soon be unveiled for the Tower of Lost Souls. Each of these floors grants access to one of the new Conquest Wardens, allowing you unlimited opportunities to practice against them and devise strategies as a guild (retreating consumes no keys!).
We’d like to assure you that our community team is always listening, and we welcome all feedback (hopefully polite!). While it may be a challenge to accommodate every single suggestion, your voices go a long way towards keeping the game going, so don’t be afraid to keep them coming!