The second wave of the Valiant’s Revamp is here! Our developers have discussed and felt that it was right to show you the concepts that they have come up with for the other 12 Valiant classes!
Rest assured, the first 12 that you guys have already seen will be undergoing more iterations and testing before we deem them ready for their big showcase! Do leave your comments for the first 6 of them, and standby for the other 6!
Shizu Samurai
Old Hero’s Despair (CD:6)
- Direct Damage 125 - 155% of ATK (AOE + shaped)
- Debuff MAG 35% for 2 turns (AOE + shaped)
- Debuff DEF 35% for 2 turns (AOE + shaped)
When Allies in Aura attack: 30% Chance to Trigger Allies to unleash Attack 85%
New Hero’s Despair (CD:5)
- Debuff DEF 50% for 3 turns (AOE + shaped)
- Direct Damage 110 - 140% of ATK (AOE + shaped)
- Debuff ATK 50% for 3 turns (AOE + shaped)
When Ally in Aura attack: 35% Chance to Ally Unleash Attack 100%
Shizu Ninja
Old Shadow Swap Technique (CD:4)
- Debuff Target DEF 20 - 50% for 2 turns
- Grant Stealth for 2 Turns
- Buff Self 10-40% ATK of ATK for 3 Turns
- Grant Stealth for 3 Turns
Old Volt Paralysis (CD:7)
- Direct Damage 115-145% of MAG (3x3)
- Debuff MAG 10% of MAG for 1 turn (3x3)
- Skill Delay for 2 Turns (3x3)
When Allies in aura get hit: 40% Chance for Unleash Attack 85% (SELF)
New Volt Paralysis (CD:6)
- Debuff MAG 30% 2 turns (3x3) --> Cast first
- Direct Damage 150 - 180% of MAG (3x3)
- Skill Delay for 2 Turns (3x3)
When Allies in aura gets hit: 35% Chance for Skill Delay for 1 Turns (Allies)
Kiera Warlock
Old Infernal Gate (CD:7)
- Direct Damage 115-145% of MAG (3x3)
- Leech 200% of the Damage
- Cast Dimensional Door (Target Enemy)
When others in Aura get Hit: 40% Chance for Unleash Poison Damage 60% of MAG for 2 Turns (SELF)
New Infernal Gate (CD:6)
- Direct Damage 150-180% of MAG (AOE +)
- Confuse Enemies for 2 turns (AOE +)
- Team Leech 10% of the Damage (All allies)
When others in Aura get Hit: 45% Chance for Unleash Poison Damage 60% of MAG for 3 Turns (SELF)
Darrion Paladin
Old Mirror Force (CD:5)
- Inflict Taunt all for 3 turns (ALL)
- Buff DEF 30% for 3 turns based of DEF (SELF)
- Reflect 40-100% damage taken for 3 turns (SELF)
When Allies in aura Gets hit: 95% Chance to Absorb 30% (ALLY)
New Mirror Force (CD:4)
- Inflict Taunt all for 3 turns (ALL)
- HP Shield 100% for 3 turns based of DEF (SELF)
- Reflect 90 - 150% damage taken for 3 turns (SELF)
When Allies in aura Gets hit: 75% Chance to Heal Shield 25% for 2 Turns (ALLY)
Darrion Blood Knight
Old Will of the Blood Lord (CD:5)
- Inflict Taunt 1 for 3 turns (TARGET ENEMY)
- Direct Damage 150% of DEF (TARGET ENEMY) AND Leech 160-220% of Damage (SELF)
- Buff DEF 30% for 2 turns based of DEF (SELF)
- Inflict Taunt 1 for 4 turns (TARGET ENEMY)
- Direct Damage 150-180% of DEF (TARGET ENEMY) AND Team Leech 30% of Damage (All Allies)
- Bleed 80% of DEF for 2 turns (TARGET ENEMY)
- Confuse: An enemy inflicted with the confuse skill will move randomly before the start of their turn.
- Heal Shield: A mitigating shield which heals as well. Example: 5000 damage = Mitigate 1250 damage and heal 1250 hp.
(In PvP, since healing is dampened, it will mitigate 1250 and heal 625) - Bleed: When unit who has been debuffed with bleed moves/swaps position/attacks/casts spells, he will take damage