New Story Mode Event: Abyssal Gate
- Hunt down the newest Dark Disciple, Valerie Belfort and the return of monster: Elseia of the Grove! (Eliza Kingsley will be returning for this event as well!)
- Play Story Mode to trigger the Abyssal Gate event! The event may also be triggered via using Express Tickets!
- Valerie Belfort, Eliza Kingsley and Elseia can be obtained exclusively via the Abyssal Gate.
- Story Mode achievements have been added to Event Quest Tab.
- Soul Binders have returned to Arathos! Find them in the Story Mode while triggering Abyssal Gates!
- Hero Training bonus chance will be increased throughout the Event period.
New Dark Disciple Healer, Valerie Belfort
- Players may get Valerie by collecting her Hero Shards in the Abyssal Gate event!
- Summon rates are increased for Kahuna and Summoner Sora.
- Talissa costume discount period has ended.
- 20% discount on costume for Kahuna! Only 400 gems instead of the regular price of 500 gems!
- Sora added to the Event Hero Selector.
Text improvements
- Some of Zoey’s skills have been reworded for clarity.
Skill Improvement
- On hit heals will heal more than once per turn since 27th July.
Elves Changelog
- Emilia Inquisitor and Archbishop will now be buffed to receive On Spawn skill effects based on their Active skill
- The following elves will have their action points buffed from 2 to 3
- Emilia Inquisitor
- Emilia Archbishop
- Raegar Magebane
- Raegar Samurai
- Dark Disciples and Dark Lords’ XP requirements will now follow Summoners and Elves.
- “Revelation of Blood” event has ended.
- Tess and Altima is now removed from the Event Hero Selector.