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Patch Notes - 27 April 2017

Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:07 am

  1. Game Battle Speed
    1. In-Game Battle Speed has increased for 1.0x, 1.5x and 2.0x
    2. Players are now able to deal additional damage to Raid bosses within the same time.
  2. Game UI Improvements:
    1. Achievement
      1. Improved Rewards preview for all Quests
    2. Story Map
      1. Players are now able to track and see Rewards upfront from the Story Map itself now
    3. Job Quest
      1. Players are able to find specific Job Relic quickly under “Job Quest” icon whereby it will show all the designated job nodes in a quick menu
    4. Post-battle Town notification
      1. Notification will be alerted when there are rewards or notification jobs to be done in Garrison
    5. Guide Quest
      1. Milestone rewards will be shown upfront in Guide Quest dialog
    6. Advance Tool Tip
      1. Majority of the Rewards/items will be able to tap to find out the more information on them
  3. Main tutorials revamp
    1. New player’s tutorial will have slight changes to help new players understand the game better
  4. New tutorials added:
    1. Event
      1. When players are exposed to Event, a new tutorial will be added to guide players on how an event functions and where to find the bazaar
    2. Job quest
      1. New tutorial for Job quest is added for new players
    3. Guild Raid
      1. New tutorial for Guild Raid is added for new players
  5. Event
    1. Events now last for 2 weeks, with a 1 week Story mode Event break in between
    2. 1 week Story mode Event breaks will contain a special calendar for game progression
    3. This 1 week breaks will also contain special loots which are tied to story mode
  6. Bazaar updates
    1. Bazaar is now split into Seasonal Event Bazaar and Permanent Bazaar
      • Seasonal Event Bazaar - Two different set of items to be reset weekly
      • Permanent Bazaar - Permanent Bazaar Tokens collected from the Seasonal Events can be kept indefinitely to exchange for highly exclusive items
  7. Summoner Arena Mechanics
    1. Pet’s death is now worth 5 points (death, sacrifice, summoner’s death)
    2. Pets will no longer CD teammates after using its turn
  8. Raid 2.0:
    1. New Raid Boss phase indicator to indicate the current phase of the boss
    2. Boss attempt count shown to allow guild members to know the total number of raid keys used by guild members
    3. Raid Leader Board
      1. “Top Guild” Leader Board to show Top 50 Guilds total damage on all bosses per week and time taken to down the bosses
      2. “Top Players” Leader Board to show Top 3 Players highest single raid key attempt on damage dealt on individual bosses per week
    4. Raid difficulty setting
      1. Guild Leader and Officers are allowed to switch individual Raid Bosses to Heroic mode if they feel the guild is not ready for Legendary Raid Boss at their current state.
      2. Raid Bosses on default, will always be at Legendary mode
      3. Once Raid Boss is switched to Heroic mode, it will not be possible to switch back to Legendary mode until the Raid period ends
      4. Heroic mode will reduce the stats of bosses by 50%
      5. Rewards are reduced for Heroic mode.
    5. Raid Phase reward
      • All Guild members will be rewarded with a Phase Reward after Phase 1 of the Raid Boss has ended
    6. Guild Quest
      1. Players will be rewarded when completing Guild Quest while spending Raid Keys
      2. In the event that all Raid bosses are killed, this Guild Quest will be completed automatically until the Raid resets.
    7. Raid Keys:
      • Players will be given 2 Raid Keys instead of 3; All Raid Bosses’ HP will be reduced generally against the 1 less Raid Key given to all guild members
    8. Raid Length:
      1. Raid is now extended to 2 weeks
      2. Rewards will be multiplied by 2 per boss killed
    9. Timer Cut:
      • Players are no longer able to continuously trigger attacks after the 6min cut off timing
    10. Raid Visual Interface:
      • Added extra commas to separate digit of damage in raid.
  9. Garrison Building:
    • New Parade Square building to showcase your Team Squad!
    • New Guild Raid building to ease access to Guild Raid without going into Guild building
    • New Permanent Endless tower (Coming Soon)
    • New Conquest Portal (Coming Soon)
  10. Heroes
    • Leon & Theia new evolution paths
      • Leon and Theia who had been limit-broken before cannot be promoted to the next tier
      • Leon and Theia rates will be retained from 27th April to 11th May. Thereafter, their rates will be adjusted to follow all other Legendary Heroes. This is to protect all players’ Valianite count.
    • New Summoner Shadow - Sora Hoshino
  11. New Event
    • Demonic Invasion!
    • New Event Equipment drops: 5s Invader Set
  12. Mailbox multiple claims
    • Players no longer need to open ticket 1 by 1 but are able to claim and open all as a bulk in the mailbox
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Re: Patch Notes - 27 April 2017

Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:08 am

Bug Fixed:
  1. Fix: Misaligned tooltip window for skills and aura on featured heroes in summon feature landing.
  2. Fix: Player become unable to attack at the next wave if player try to move units while a unit is walking towards hole in gold mine.
  3. Fix: Sometimes 3D model overlaps when viewing unit detail of another units.
  4. Fix: Base values for equipment in gallery do not tally with actual equipments.
  5. Fix: First trigger of passive DoT always has a duration of 0.
  6. Fix: Experiencing Network Error while retrieving expedition may give looping message.
  7. Fix: Hero is unable to move onto a spot that was previously occupied by a stunned unit that die.
  8. Fix: Shadow hits themselves when charmed.
  9. Fix: Using cleanse on stunned/slept units will refresh that unit’s turn.
  10. Fix: Silence Aura’s debuff will persist in the same turn when cleanse is used to remove them
  11. Fix: Game may freeze when player’s last unit got killed by enemy reflect.
  12. Fix: Tooltip missing when wall is buffed by battle potions
  13. Fix: When triggering double strike from a triggered attack, the corresponding unit will lose its turn.
  14. Fix: Cyclops cleanses dead ogres with status effects
  15. Fix: Trigger archers triggers on the dead arms of Accursed Treant after killing the spawned treants
  16. Fix: Last hitting Raid boss while all parts are alive will occasionally sum up the total HP for damage dealt
  17. Fix: Unable to enter Raid with 0 energy
  18. Fix: Missiles from Ronan/Talissa’s Pet/Matilda’s Pet may target dead parts of megabosses
  19. Fix: Rune and Weapon upgrade reflects mega success accurately now
  20. Fix: Able to knockback parts of Megabosses
  21. Fix: Player being stuck at the end of a raid battle
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Re: Patch Notes - 27 April 2017

Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:14 pm

Dear Adventurers, 

There is currently a known bug with iOS version where entering story mode from the parade square will cause your Special Calendar and Daily Quest tab to disappear.
To resolve this issue, simply return back to the parade square, and click ANYWHERE else! Your tooltips should return safely without harm :)
Here are sample screenshots of what you may face.
What happens when you enter story mode from the Parade Square

Even after leaving, the tooltips are still missing!

After following my steps, these should be back yay!

- Certain skills that displaces enemies who has resist/is a megaboss/is an immovable unit before dealing damage will not work normally. The damage will be resisted along with the displacement. Current known heroes include: Cybella Grand Ranger, Ronan Rune Magus and Vincent Warlord. Do avoid using these heroes against what is stated above

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Re: Patch Notes - 27 April 2017

Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:57 am

Hi Guys!

The heroes list regarding the known issue is now updated.
    • [ltr]Current known heroes affected include: Cybella Grand Ranger, Grand Ranger Kane, Cybella Hunter, Ronan Rune Magus, Vincent Warlord, Freya Warlord, Leon Zealot, Leon Blood Knight, Zedd Rune Magus, Victoria Chaos Knight, Darrion Chaos Knight, Aden Chaos Knight[/ltr]
    • [ltr]Ninjas are not affected as they do not deal damage.[/ltr]
    • [ltr]Do avoid using the heroes’ skills listed above![/ltr]
    • [ltr]This list will be updated as we receive more information.[/ltr]
  • [ltr]Rare gold mine occurrences where users are unable to battle the boss waves, having their turns end early before they can fight the final wave.[/ltr]
We are working to fix them as soon as we can. Meanwhile, there will be compensation given to all players. :)
Thank you for your understanding!