New Features
- Reward upgrades for Event missions!
- Awaken 1 Maya Ticket Shards upgraded to Selector shards!
- Hero Upgrades for Ranger heroes!
- Summon rates increased for Dark Lord Maya in the Legendary Hero Summon (3 -10th Oct).
- Summon rates increased for 3-5★ Ranger Heroes (3 -10th Oct).
- Summon rates increased for Aspirant Drake in the Legendary Hero Summon (10 - 17th Oct).
- Summon rates increased for 3-5★ Shadow Heroes (10 - 17th Oct).
- Summon rates increased for 3-5★ Fairy Tale Heroes (10 - 17th Oct).
- Awaken 1 Maya Selector shards and 6★ Dark Lord Essence shards available in the Valianite Shop during the event!
Limited Time Event (3 Oct - 17 Oct)
Undertake a quest to uncover the secret past of the Abyssal Legion with the help of the seer. As they say - knowing your enemy is the first step to victory!
A difficult Challenge mission awaits - Defeat Dark King Nefariel under specific circumstances to receive fantastic rewards, but beware: This mission is not for the faint of heart!
Event Hero Bonus - Bring Event Heroes for bonus stats and drops!
Grand Bazaar Medal Shards:
3★ Maya and Drake +10%
4★ Maya and Drake +15%
5★ and 6★ Maya and Drake +25%
Stats: All 5★ Rangers and Shadows heroes receive a 50% stat bonus on Event Missions.
1. Evolving Equipment - The Vanquisher’s Visor and Annihilator’s Crown return!
- The base recipes for these helms can be obtained from Event Achievements
- Obtain materials to craft 5★ versions of the Vanquisher’s Visor and Annihilator’s crown from event trials, and raise them to their 6★ and 7★ forms!
- Materials for the Vanquisher’s Visor are available from the Western (left) path.
- Materials for the Annihilator’s Crown are available from the Eastern (right) path.
2. Special Event Drops:
- Dark Disciples Shard Selectors and Dark Disciples Ancient Weapon Shards may be obtained from Event Mission trials on the Western (left) Path. Complete all event trials to receive a full Dark Disciple!
- Dark Lord Ticket shards may be obtained from Event Mission trials on Eastern (right) Path.
3. Event Equipment: The following Equipment set items are rare drops from event mission nodes, and are also obtainable from the bazaar:
- Demon Hunter Set (5★ Head and Torso for Rangers)
- Sandstalker Set (5★ Head and Torso for Shadows)
Aura Revamps
The following Ranger heroes will receive an upgrade to their skills and auras!
Dindrane (Gunslinger):
Active: Deals magic damage equal to 20-80% (Up from 20-50%) of hero’s ATK to enemy.
100% chance to silence aura(s) of all enemies for 1 turn(s).
Grants Haste onto this hero, reducing skill cooldown by 1 turn(s).
Aura: When hero casts a skill, there is a 75% chance to:
Trigger allies in aura to attack with 100% (Up from 90%) of their ATK.
Increases CRIT of allies in aura by 15% (Up from 10%) of hero’s ATK for 2 turns.
Dindrane (Sharpshooter):
Active:Grants ATK Up, increasing ATK of squad by 35%(Up from 20%) of hero’s ATK for 2 turn(s).
Deals magic damage equal to 160% of hero’s ATK to Enemies (Execute effect)
Inflicts DEF down, reducing DEF of all enemies by 40% (Up from 20%) for 2 turn(s).
Aura: When allies in aura attack, there is a 75% chance to:
Increase ATK of this hero and allies by 25% (Up from 15%) of Hero’s ATK for 2 turn(s).
Increase Crit damage of this hero and allies in aura by 30% (Up from 20%) for 2 turn(s).
Felix (Grand Ranger):
Active: Dispels all enemies, removing all buff effects from affected unit(s).
Deals magic damage equal to 20-200% (Up from 40-160%) of hero’s ATK to enemy.
Inflicts plague on all enemies, reducing healing received by 100% for 3 turn(s)
Aura: When hero performs a critical hit, there is a 95% chance to:
Cleanse allies in aura, removing all negative statuses.
Trigger allies in aura to attack with 100% (Up from 80%) of their ATK.
Felix (Royal Huntsman):
Active:Inflicts Disarray on all enemies, reducing the trigger chance of their aura by 21-80% (Up from 31-60%) for 2 turn(s).
Enables this hero or Ally to unleash an onslaught of strikes, dealing 150% of ATK to a random enemy.
Shields squad, reducing damage taken by 60% for 2 turn(s).
Aura: When allies in aura are hit, there is a 50% chance to:
Trigger this hero and allies in aura to remove enemies’ buffs.
Trigger this hero and allies in aura to attack with 70% (Up from 60%) of their ATK.
Tess (Grand Ranger):
Active: Deals magic damage equal to 20-200% (Up from 90-120%) of hero’s ATK.
75% chance to freeze enemies (Up from 60%) for two turns, taking 30% more damage from skills. Effect ends when 4000 damage is dealt to unit.
Enters Celestial form, gaining 40% (Up from 30%) bonus stats.
Aura: When allies in aura cast a skill, there is a 75% chance to:
Trigger this hero and allies in aura to attack with 100% (Up from 80%) of their ATK.
Tess (Royal Huntsman):
Active: Roots all enemies, immobilizing all units for 2 turns.
Places a curse on enemy. After 2 turns. Curse deals damage equal to 20-200% ATK in a cross-shaped area of effect.
Enters Celestial form, gaining 40% (Up from 30%) bonus stats.
- Friend XP bonus Up from 3rd Oct (After Maintenance) to 17th Oct (After Event) (GMT +8)
- Ally stat bonus Up from 3rd Oct (After Maintenance) to 17th Oct (After Event) (GMT +8)
The limited-time event “Hero Chronicles” has ended.