New Features
- New Ancient Weapon: Tatiana’s Elder Dragon Fang
- Mulan shards available in the Valianite shop!
- Hero Revamps for Aden, Mercia and Altima
- Grand Bazaar Medal Shard drop rate bonus on all event missions!
- Summon rates increased for 4-5★ Mulan (Week 1).
- Summon rates increased for 3-5★ Guardians (Week 1).
- Summon rates increased for 3-5★ Lancelot (Week 2).
- Summon rates increased for 3-5★ Elf heroes (Week 2).
- Summon rates increased for 3-5★ Mystic heroes (Week 2).
- Mulan shards and promotion items available in the Valianite shop for this event!
Limited Time Event (17 - 31 October)
The road diverges in the wood - will you first explore the Fairy Woods in the West, or the Wisp Trail to the East?
The Lady of the Lake and her Lieutenants await you in a multi-part Challenge Mission - clear her trials under specific circumstances to win her blessings!
Event Hero Bonus - Bring Event Heroes for bonus stats and drops
Grand Bazaar Medal Shards:
3★ Lancelot +10%
4★ Lancelot, Mulan +15%
5★ Lancelot, Mulan +25%
6★ Lancelot +25%
Stats: All 5★ Guardians and Mystic heroes receive a 50% stat bonus on Event Missions.
Ladder period: 25th October (8:00 AM) to 29th October, (23:59 PM), +8 GMT
1. Featured Event Drops :
Explore the Fairy woods (Left path) to discover rare materials, including:
- Bazaar Medals
- Faerie Dust
- Emerald Dragon Visage and Crouching Dragon Hat (Head Armour for Guardians and Mystics)
- And a small chance of finding Job Key Fragments, which can be combined to form whole Job Keys!
Explore the Wisp Trail (Right Path) to obtain:
- Bazaar Medals
- Wisp Dust
- A small chance to find 3★ Talent Spirit Tickets
- Emerald Dragon Plate and Crouching Dragon Vestment (Torso Armour for Guardians and Mystics)
- And a small chance to find Prismatic Cores (Combine with talent spirits to form Prismatic Revenants)
2. Fairy Unity Altar: Blessed by the Fairies, this Altar offers:
- Job Key Fragments
- Prismatic Cores
- Fairy of Wisdom
- Pixies of Faith
- Hatchlings
- Talent Spirits
3. Enchanted Unity Altar: A mysterious shrine in the middle of the woods, the Enchanted Altar allows you to exchange for rare reagents:
- Faerie Dust
- Wisp Dust
Aden, Mercia and Altima have their skills and auras rebalanced!
Aden (Chaos Knight)
Active Skill
- Pulls Enemy to empty tile in front of caster, dealing magic damage equal to 55-115% (Up from 55-85%) of Hero’s HP, delaying skill cooldown by 2 turn(s).
- Cooldown reduced to 4 turns (down from 5 turns)
Aden (Blood Knight)
Active Skill
- Deals magic damage equal to 40-100% (Up from 40-70%) of hero’s HP, and heals for 100% of damage dealt over 2 turn (s). Silences Aura for 4 turns.
- Cooldown reduced to 4 turns. (down from 5 turns)
- When allies in aura are hit, there is a 75% chance to inflict bleed on enemies. Enemies take magic damage equal to 35% (Up from 25%) of hero’s HP whenever they attack, cast a skill or move.
- Trigger this hero to inflict ATK Down on an enemy, reducing ATK by 50% for 2 turn(s).
Mercia (Chaos Knight)
Active Skill:
- Deals magic damage equal to 80-170% (Up from 80-110%) of hero’s DEF to all enemies.
- Swaps positions with target enemy, and grant squad Steadfast.
- Increases DEF of this hero and allies by 20% of hero’s DEF
- Increases ATK of hero and allies by 15% (up from 5%) of hero’s DEF
Mercia (Blood Knight)
Active Skill:
- Absorbs 30% of damage dealt to anyone in the team for 2 turns.
- Deals 20-110% (Up from 20-50%) of own HP as magic damage to one enemy, healing squad for 50% of Damage Dealt.
- Grants hero a Heal Shield, resisting 35% (Up from 30%) of all incoming damage, converting it into healing (2 turns)
- When allies are hit, there is a 75% chance to Heal this hero and allies in aura for 10% of hero’s HP, and increase MAG of this hero and allies by 15% (up from 10%) of hero’s HP for 2 turns.
Altima (Holy Defender)
Active Skill:
Metamorph to increase 10-40% (Up from 1-30%) more Stats for 3 Actions.
- Absorbs 70% of damage dealt to anyone in the team for 3 turns.
- When allies are hit, there is a 50% (Up from 40%) chance to Increase damage dealt to enemies by 25% (Up from 20%) for 2 turns
Altima (Paladin)
Active Skill:
Metamorph to increase 10-40% (Up from 1-30%) more Stats for 3 Actions.
- Absorbs 30% of damage dealt to anyone in the team for 2 turns (Down from 3 turns).
- Reflect 200% of damage received to ALL enemies after 2 turns.
- Cooldown reduced to 3 turns (Down from 4 turns).
Hero Training Bonus Up from 17th October (After Maintenance) to 31st October (After Event) (GMT +8)
The limited-time event “Dark Throne” has ended.