Ninja is the key to wipe out a stage in single turn. refresh everyoneWhat is sizhu ninja for when we cannot change with the pumpkin? I don't have a 5* zedd invoker. Currently have a kristoph with possible LB 5(I got a few of them)sometime got 0 bullion. but today i got 800k total from 3 ticket
I just use serap, sizhu ninja, berserker vincent, aaron, zedd. its very easy, it can be finished at 15-18 turnSorry.. want to ask.. what does the 5* look like and how much it's sell for??
I want to run legend also but don't know how much damage is required to clear them. Currently heroic I can get past 8 mostly.. sometime 9.
Usually my problem is having those ladders at far end that I have to waste like 2 turns to walk there. Refresher rune helps me alot also.