its the meta right now... like the archer team before.... you cant expect to use the same team forever in arena
i am an F2p player and had minor luck with summons...ive experienced the ups and downs of the arena you cant really blame whales because basically they are the major source of the devs income which makes the game alive....
whales use real money to easily adapt to the meta
devs cant really make the arena fair for everyone its impossible to make arena fair for everyone without decreasing the amount of income devs get from it
this is just a small price to pay for f2p players to enjoy the game freely
just wait until the meta shifts in your favor or save gems and try to predict where will the meta shift so you can easily adapt
P.S My love for the game does not really provide any food on the devs table so i just need to suck it up and and wait until the Lord chicken favor my side in arena
P.S.S oh and yeah if you actually try to predict usual ai movements, that could actually benefit in fight with strong enemies..
It was fine during pre-Summoner/pre-summoner nerf eras. It's obvious that there are really some insane teams out there and I'm really fine with that. My problem is that, after the latest nerf on summoners, everything's gone pretty much to hell for some players, me included, regardless of fighting a whale or not, because when they nerfed summoners they indirectly shifted ALL advantage towards the AI rather than the player. It's not as consistent as it was before, and that's the problem.
It's easy to predict AI. Problem is that you can't find a consistent countermeasure now besides upping everyone's stats to the crazy levels, as there isn't enough turns to actively pursue such a countermeasure. Once you get to end game arena you'll see how it is, you're probably not fighting the same people we are fighting with, or you simply don't care enough to observe arena mechanics to similarly find what we have been noticing. And mind you, I've spent a fairly average sum on the game, though not just as much as the really bigger spending players.
i mean .... my rank is usually 100-70 since the summoner nerf.... and my team comp has been always been point oriented rather than pure brute force...... in my experience with my comp 3tanks 1 stun 1 dps .... with the summoners AI they always do the same thing and most team comps at the top may consist of svens ,aden, talissa
, faye ,CK, any trigger archer , ronan(biggest pain in the ass IMO) and some other heroes from time to time like ninja,lucille and kierra ....
i dont really get it ....."It's easy to predict AI. Problem is that you can't find a consistent countermeasure now besides upping everyone's stats to the crazy levels," this is your not calling you lazy or anything but if you already know how will the AI react on the next turn then you should be able to guess on what would be the best way for you to kill them or win by points .......
"regardless of fighting a whale or not, because when they nerfed summoners they indirectly shifted ALL advantage towards the AI rather than the player. It's not as consistent as it was before, and that's the problem" the nerfs where applied to all of us... how can you say that the power was shifted to the AI.... ugh i just dont get it.....think of the people facing your team arent they having the same issue as you? if everyone is having the same experience as you then thats freaking "FAIR" ...
dont you think you are being unfair to other people who paid or worked hard to set up there team so they can have an advantage in arena? the teams that they make not only get them points but also defy points from enemies facing them...thus making sure that only the strongest or richest will be at the top....
to make it short "its the meta"
if you cant adjust(equipments upgrade , better runes, better stats and etc) just suck it up and wait until it changes and favors your team comp