Alright, Second day to the event. This is what i feel. (Purely my opinion)
The event is balanced, if you are a P2P, you "should" be able to get the 21 trials with some patience and luck. Of course, if you don't go in with a Strategy, you pretty much wasting your money.
So what is good for F2P? A member mentioned about using Seph from the ally hero to help, and I tried, (I am a F2P by the way) and it works me all the heroic without much difficulty, of course you need some 4*, esp tanker, but leave the job to Ally Seph and she will clear the quest for you, and up to 3 stars, no problem. (The middle lane need a no ally 2*, that one need a good team to break through)
Neverthless, it shows that it is possible to break through as a F2P, you just need abit of luck and some ally hero help. For Legendary quest, you need a Seph on your own and another 1 from the ally hero, that should push you to complete at least the 15 trial quest.
If you are lucky enough and plan ahead to grow your seph before the event end, I believe 3 star on legendary is still possible, I haven't try because I still cannot get a pull on the event hero, and I only using daily pull (Ya, pure F2P)
So as a F2P, don't be sour that it is impossible to clear the quests, because it is not impossible, it is whether you want to plan ahead and patiently look for a Seph Ally to help. Then the rest of the time, just spam the normal quest. Please do not think that you can get the LARGEST amount of unrefined gem to get the things in the bazzar, those are for people that invested their money and time, not just time.
While you should focus on trying to get the 100% by using all the tools you have. I going to try to prove that I can beat 100%, so now i only waiting for the event hero to pull through, I reserving all the keys for her and going to spam the potions on her. (That is why there is a quest to complete other events, there is a reason, and if you run normal long enough, you have full gear 4* for her also)
In all, I think its still a balanced event. If you don't get it this time, don't be sour, you are a F2P.. Its free, what you expect? No hardwork and all the rewards?
Lastly, Can I ask those that have Seph, to put her into the ally group, for us to share??? Please Please... I need more of her.
My good man, if only more people think positively like you.

Thanks for the kind words.
In actual fact, I did thought that its impossible and unfair in the beginning, and when people start whinning, then it became a "fact". But the fact is, we didn't even try to find ways to beat the game, until someone mentioned a possibility, then I rethink my thinking and thought, why not? Maybe its possible.
The problem now is, because of previous events that the dev just changed to make everyone happy, it became a norm that proper whinning will make the dev do something for me. If the previously set event is set with a targets and goals, like this one, (you need this hero, you need the gear from this quest) Then it sets people on the path to get the gear and hero and eventually clear the event.
So I will like to suggest to the dev that, there is a gem reward at the end of the event for everyone that participated in the event, depending on the percentage of complete, meaning those that nearly meet the 100% will have a better reward than those that only want to get the 75% or 50%. This will encourage the F2P to not anyhow spam the gems you have in the game.
Second suggestion is to guarantee an event hero pull by the 3rd pull, no matter whether is it mass or single (you can single pull 3 hero to get her, but you still need more heroes to sacrifice to her) or you can pull 3 x 10s and you guarantee to have her and also a good sacrifice pool (Not forget 5*). For single pulls, you won't go very far with just getting her, but with 3 x 10, you can.