About this event, since the first summoner event, in these 2 events i really dislike. First its MEMORY CRYSTAL , and then WYVERN ORB. Its NOT that i dont want to do a bit struggle , but i think its not good if you make event too hard to be finished. Most of people especially new player catching the game up mostly by attending event. If its too hard to be done, then the gap between old and new player will be even wider (not to mention finishing raid that gonna require you almost highend party and gear, and moreover) . Yes i understand, PERHAPS the dev want to give reward to the veteran player by giving them privilege to get the ultimate prize, BUT now even the veteran players found this event achievement very hard to be accomplished.
I suggest, make it like the christmas event at least. All the achievement can relatively easy be achieved by MOST player, and put the slightly better reward (not OP reward such as very high gear or Heroes) on the tower as you climb it higher that of course only the well prepared and geared player can reach there.
I really want to see this game last as long as other succesfull mobile game do... so please think about all player on all lvl, old player as well as the newcomer
Thank you.