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Re: 100 Things Wrong about Valiant Force

Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:10 pm

76. Grand Pixies.
Uses too many sacrifice to make, might as well as try your luck rerolling with obsolete 5* heroes.
77. Equipment Gem Summoning.
Is a joke.
78. Valiants Costume.
It's supposedly winter themed costume, but 5/6 of them are scantily dressed for winter. Maybe they've gotten used by Game Freezing in a daily basis.
79. Leandra.
The hero nobody bothered to use.
80. Mystic and Healer normal attack.
They draw normal attack from ATK main stat, as opposed to their main attribute, MAG. This is quite counterproductive. Meanwhile champions can have 32k atk and fully benefits from that stat.
81. Coin Flip
It should only give more benefit, not determine who wins battle. It used to be like that, but nowadays Coin Flip determines all.
82. Great Concept, Awful Execution.
VF has great concept, but when they implement them in-game, it becomes so bizzarre that sometimes you can't look at them for too long.
83. (Not) a Turn Based Game.
The game started as a turn based game... But as the game goes by, it lose its essence of being a turn based game when you can finish a battle in 1 turn... Like by using SDD?
Then they come up with time limit. Great.
84. Premium Content.
making some hero and items unfarmable creates a gap between the spender and non-spender. Should've added alternatives to farm even with abyssmal rates. Hey, it's not like the game doesn't rely heavily on RNG on the first place...
85. Gender Ratio.
Currently the Female and Male ratio is 2:1.
86. Talent System.
It's not bad but could be so much better, and some talent are not even considered as option.
87. Energy Bundles.
Remember Pumpkin Chest?
88. Meal Time.
Who the hell eats at 3 am? Are you Patrick Star?
And instead of adding it directly to energy pool, you have to claim it. Bye bye sleep.
89. Arena Orb.
Need to check every 5 hours... why not making it 10 max orb, i wonder.
90. Valianite Shop.
About time they update the content. Seriously.
91. Lack of Communication between Players and Developers.
92. Status Distribution.
Atk gives more stats than other attributes. Crit is hard capped at 75%, making crit based heroes obsolete, and making some faith less favorable.
93. Trial-and-Error.
Many decisions are poorly made that it rages a portion of playerbase, they don't do it again after that but someone must remind developers that we are customers, not test subjects.
94. Skill Damage Calculation on PvP.
Dampened to 54-55% in PvP.
You only need 16k to fully mitigates 75% skill damage, means Guardian can tank more magic than Mystics. Poor mystics are even outshined by other classes in PvP.
95. Broken Aura.
Some auras are basically useless no matter how hard you try to make it useful.
96. Investment doesn't pay off.
Dump your resources to a hero just to see it become useless the next month.
97. 'Free'.
Free items in bundles.
But didn't we pay for the bundles?
Oh well it says free anyway.
98. Quality of Life improvement.
comes slowly, and only slightly.
99. Scarcity of Job Relics and Keys.
One of the reason why diversity is hard to create, is because creativity is limited by job relics.
100. The game itself. Valiant Force.
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Re: 100 Things Wrong about Valiant Force

Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:45 pm

it's funny how when I finish 100 things wrong about VF, there are still more to be found.
Standing applause for XII Braves.
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Re: 100 Things Wrong about Valiant Force

Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:45 pm


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Re: 100 Things Wrong about Valiant Force

Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:08 am

The 5 hit counter really changes things up. Me and my guildmaster having fun clearing 37 and 38 the past 2 days with the floor still at 0% with no revive. Surprised! we did it! (With only def eggs, shields and healing pots, we consider it quite an achievement, hehe)

Today we are going to try 39. While others frown at the "cheap" mechanics the devs often come up with, some of us are enjoying the challenge. At most throw body to lower the %.

Floor 36 doesn't have 5 hit counter and we were wondering why? :(
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Re: 100 Things Wrong about Valiant Force

Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:21 pm

The 5 hit counter really changes things up. Me and my guildmaster having fun clearing 37 and 38 the past 2 days with the floor still at 0% with no revive. Surprised! we did it! (With only def eggs, shields and healing pots, we consider it quite an achievement, hehe)

Today we are going to try 39. While others frown at the "cheap" mechanics the devs often come up with, some of us are enjoying the challenge. At most throw body to lower the %.

Floor 36 doesn't have 5 hit counter and we were wondering why? :(
Wow, mind sharing the tactics?
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Re: 100 Things Wrong about Valiant Force

Sun Mar 04, 2018 1:24 pm


Our team comprises of arthur, fodder, mercia lubu zerker and guanyu. Choose an ally fren who is arthur.

The basic idea is 4 tanks protecting 1 lubu zerker. When lbzerk skill it slowly chip away the life of the mobs.

2 arthurs alternate to shield the party. There will be a turn where the shield cd cannot catch up and that turn ur party will have no shield. Mercia will then skill to reduce dmg and do some small healing. Guanyu is simply there to help reflect dmg a bit, she can be replaced with another tank. I actually find her useful when my lbzerker accidentally got kill off, the boss and mobs literally kill themselves over time.

It's a slow process going for many turns when floor % is less than 10%, but it's winnable. U can bring skill cd consumables if u think u r scare ur tanks cant take the hit. But for our run, we only use healing pots, def eggs and shield pots.

Our tanks are around 14-15k def at least with the exception of mercia having 30k hp. Lb zerker 6k def and 11k atk.

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Re: 100 Things Wrong about Valiant Force

Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:31 pm

Cool tactic. Sad I don't have a Lubu berserker yet :(
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