Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:45 am
I completely feel you man... Totally... *Hugs*
Yesterday, I YOLO to reroll my GR Kane's faith from Zeus, hoping for a Hera.
Results : Zeus > Kratos > Zeus > Kratos
Feels good man, feels sooo good.... I almost died inside, and internal screaming just kept flowing out.
Goodbye 3 5* that I sacrificed, I might start to sacrifice more. And if still no Hera/Ares, well, bye" golds, bye" relics, bye" energies, bye" fodder, bye everything that I worked up for a whole day. I still have many heroes to work for. Santa sees me as a bad kid and told the pixies to stay away from me. Even Elseia. :')
End-game is too scary.... RNGs are scarier...
But still, your pain is stronger man, mine is still inferior :')