I'm sorry to hear of your plight but frankly speaking, half the stuff that you did were unnecessary and kinda brought it upon yourself, first half, unlucky? Probably, the second half isn't really unlucky anymore, you did it out of frustrating and after being tilted from not getting the faith you wanted from the monster rerolls.
I'm not sure what's the relation between the reason you gave and the obsession to pour in disproportionately large resources to min-max the end-game aspect of your units (better known as Faith) when it could've been better allocated elsewhere, I would like to point out that you had a probability of 7.7% chance in obtaining the worst case scenario, had you done this little analysis of what you were getting yourself into, you would've known that a 7.7% risk of the worst case scenario is, in fact, totally real and possible scenario, I personally wouldn't go for anything above 5% risk aspect.
Again, I'm sorry to hear of what happened and take this as a lesson to not let your emotions control your decision (in other words, tilt) in the future where bigger things are at stake and don't worry! You're prestige 12, I'm pretty sure you have what it takes to make a comeback, good luck!