Reading this made me sad for two reasons, the poor command in English (yes, I'm one of those "Grammar Nazi" things) and the fact you decided to give in to tilt. I understand the obsessive desire to min-max, but was all that for a couple hundred of extra stat points really worth it? You could've just spent resources to gather runes and craft gear to make up for the poor faith. I can't say I don't have the desire to obtain the perfect faith and aura directions, this game is pretty good and I want to be good in it. But when the honeymoon period ends and the game decides to stop being nice to you, you have to understand that deep down this is still just a phone game.
Phone games are frighteningly good at getting your money, and only those who are poor or very strong-willed can resist the temptation of dropping a boatload of money. But you can also see it as a way to train your patience, there probably isn't anything in this game that you cannot get with enough time. The developers of this game are trying pretty hard to ensure the longevity of this game which is a very good thing and I appreciate that. But phone games exist to generate revenue, and if they decide to make things "easy" by implementing 100% chance to get x, then the only way to earn money is to bring in more and more new players, which the server can't handle right now (pls fix or buy new servers omg devs what you doing D:).
Long story short, I hope you've learned your lesson and control the urge to give in to tilt and act rashly and impulsively. Seeing as you're already quite invested in the game, it would be a shame to throw in the towel and give up now, wouldn't it?
P.S. I hope we get to see more people like Hanzo, I'm not saying those who oppose his opinions are wrong, but he does make sense. It all comes down to what you hope to achieve out of the game and how fast really. I think the worst thing to do is to compare yourself to other people, everyone starts at a different starting line, comparing yourself to someone who spends more money just makes no sense. Stay salt-less people.