damn my 2nd 10x pull is really crappy...
9x3* folders
1x4* Max shadow...
This is really sad..
the only consolation price is earlier on i pull a 3* Zedd with the Mage faith athena on daily pull.... I dunno to be happy or sad...
Well not everyday is Sunday... Now i need to work on my Kai, Victoria, Zedd to 4*. I need abetter healer
Well.. luckily i got 5* zedd yesterday, but sadly with weak magic faith , and most sadly is.. his job is rune master lol... i dont know what this job for.. mage with no damage.. only knockback and wall, not to mention 7 skill cooldown lol.. well at least i got 1 fodder to change faith.
and zedd with athena faith is very very good.. (and rare) if i can trade it i dont mind trade my 5* zedd with your zedd..
firstly we can only get about 1/6 chance to get athena faith, the other 4 is weak, and 1 other is fair which is not too different from weak. and for a mage to be good he/she must be an athena faith. M
age without athena faith is weak.. no point to use it.. the damage is not enough.
any 4* mage (+2) about 2100 magic with athena faith can damage about 3/4 opponent hp in pvp right now, but without athena faith its lucky if it can damage even 1/2 opponent hp
if u have 5* mage without athena faith and maxed it to +2, his magic can only be about 2200, about the same with 4* mage (+2)
but zedd with athena faith can became 5* mage with whopping 3300 magic at maxed +2
so for me to get 3 star mage that can become 5 * with athena faith is better than have 5 star mage with any other faith beside athena
So my suggestion love your zedd lol.. and make him 5* but dont make him runemaster please..