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Hercules Victoria class

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:26 pm
by ageathe
Hello. I'm mainly a casual and impulsive player but since job keys are really hard to get I'm thinking of this decision (I gave zero thoughts about team comp because I feel for aesthetics first haha)

So far the units I have are:
Dragoon Ares Freya
Assassin Hera Shizu
GR Zeus Cybella

with a Kratos Slayer Vincent and Hercules Knight Vic in waiting. I have enough relics to promote Vic to a 4. I'm not leaning on a decision rn but I would really like the idea of a tank.

Re: Hercules Victoria class

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:12 pm
by kyon
A tank would do you good in the main story. I'd advise you to go with her if your party is having trouble with the aggro. Hopefully you can get a better tank before you need to make her 5*.

General rule of the thumb is:

If you're a newbie, roll with that hero regardless of Faith. You'll eventually get better tanks as you play and keep rolling. Faith and equipment optimization is considered end game and you can eventually change her faith if you need to.

If you're not a newbie then use her as an LB fodder.