Good day, developers <3
I would like to give you guys a big appreciation about the new Warrior's Furor counter trigger mechanic.
You guys always listen to us <3
I freakin' love you guys.
We are always bitching about OP Trigger mechanic so you guys always try to halt our trigger everytime.
So apparently 15 trigger count anti trigger are not enough and you give us 5 hit anti trigger mechanic that teleports us out of allies aura and prone to die <3 and then lower our attack by 15% and it stacks up to 100%. Wow, what a genius idea ! This will definitely stop trigger, and stop us from attacking while the boss chop us to death !
So ahem let us start.
100 Things Wrong about VF.
cuz everytime we make it right, you make it wrong <3
1. No Lore.
2. No In-Depth Story.
Theia has a father who's a king, but the king has never made an appearance over the year of playing, where is he? Maybe playing King's Raid?
3. Useless Main Characters.
4. Bad Script.
5. Bad Voice Actors.
6. Class Imbalance.
Mystic main attribute is MAG, but MAG is the most underused attribute in the game, because no matter how high your MAG is, skill damage reduction is capped at 75% so mystics will tank skill and magics worse than a guardian. Maybe it's time to revamp Mystic Class and name it to Mystake.
7. Insignia System.
You have a useless hero in your roster? Want to make it useful? Let's transmute them to wearable items ! Wow. This is Dark.
8. Power Creep Gap is wider and wider.
9. Useless Mages in most PvE content.
Contrary to other games, VF offers you unique mechanics ! One of them are the uselessness of Mystics despite in other games Mages are the Queen/Kings in mobbing. Neat, huh?
10. There is no limit !
Every time you think you're done with your hero, VF offers you new mechanic to strengthen your hero more. Talents, Insignia, and now Equipment Limit Break. There is no ceiling to this game, so you can throw your money to a pitless abyss, tee-hee.
11. No Alternatives to IAP.
exclusive items are not farmable, so you must buy bundle items with real life money, wow. Your friends can envy your exclusive items now while they weep in poverty.
12. Encouraging (Enforcing?) Players to buy Bundles.
I like encouragement, and even better when developers force us buying limited resources from bundles.
13. Bugs and bugs.
At this point XII Braves can make a zoo from VF bugs.
14. Coming Soon !
A feature that is coming soon and sooner everytime, but took 1 year to finally arrive. And the mechanic sucks. Maybe will be better soon-ish?
15. Guild Raid.
What is better than in-guild cooperation?
In-Guild competition ! Let's compete within guildmates who wake up first. VF redefines 'early bird catches the worm'.
16. Over 200 Heroes.
But you can only promote 1-2 hero weekly, unless you buy stuff.
17. Runes eat up slot.
Hey, this one have easy solution ! Just expand item slots instead of making special slots for runes.
18. Limit... Limit?
500 hero slot limit and 800 item slot limit. Unless you buy bundle. Bundle is the solution !
19. Curing Cancer with Cancer.
Players : Cassandra is cancerous, and we want a solution against her.
Developer : Here's Guan Yu. Problem Solved.
20. No Loyalty Rewards.
If you look again, newer players can catch up relatively easy to old players, neat huh !
So old players can just wither away slowly.
21. No Hipster.
VF are not allowing filthy hipsters around, resources are scarce so you're not allowed to make bad decisions. Making anti-mainstream heroes will be punished with slower progress. Over 200 heroes but no diversity. HMMM....
22. Anti-trigger Counter.
Hey ranger are cancerous, how to fix them?
By tailoring the PvE content to be discouraging rangers, but not fixing the basic problems. Brilliant.
23. More Servers.
what's better than more players? More servers !
24. Cross Class Heroes.
Spellcasting Shadow, Tanking Mystics, Critical Champions, Offensive Healers.
25. Valiants.
Strongest heroes in Arathos. Or are they?
26. Freeze happens too often.
Maybe you guys should rename the game to Valiant Freeze.
27. RNG
Want on-spawn buff ? Here's some RNG.
Farming ? Here's some RNG.
Trigger ? Here's some RNG.
Enhancing Equip ? Here's some RNG.
Summoning Heroes ? Here's some RNG.
28. Boobs Force.
Merlin with Boobs, Lancelot with Boobs, Zhuge Liang with Boobs, Guan Yu with Boobs.
Boobs solve everything.
29. Lack of player co-op contents.
But more player competition contents ! Yay !
30. Limited Resource.
Maybe XII Braves are afraid of players not buying bundles, so they limit the resources farmable in-game. That's some next level marketing.
I run out of ideas for now, i'll add more later, everyone are also free to contribute !