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Stuck at 1700.

Wed Nov 29, 2017 12:49 am

Hello there, my name is iCantPlayDiz.
Been playing this game for...2/3 weeks? Currently almost hitting level 60.

Currently stuck at Rank 1700 in PVP.
I think its mostly because of A) my units or B) placement.
Can also be gear wise because I seem to run into player who have full "costumes" on their units
Regardless these are the following units I have:
 X                 Blood Knight Leon          X
 X                  Vivi Gatling Gun            X
Merlin (W)     Cybella (Slinger)          Kane (Grand Ranger)

Vivi (Hera)  - + 2
Leon (Zeus) + 1
Merlin (Kratos) + 1
Cybella (Ares) + 2
Kane (Hera) + 2
I havent Limit broken any of them. 
Gear wise I can say they're all wearing 5* Epic Gear Helmet + Body from the Armor Crafting thing.
All of them atleast +10. 
Vivi currently has 2800 Crit (Not alot I'm afraid)
Cybella has 2k Crit (Even worse ._.)
Kane has 4k Crit. 
I know they still need a lot more crit stats to make an efficient squad.

Other 5* units that I have are
5* Emilia (Arch Bishop)  - Athena  + 2
5* Sora (Ninja) - Kratos + 2
5* Nimue (Elemental) - Kratos + 0
5* Merlin (Elementalist) - Kratos +0 
5* Rhea (Dragoon) - Kratos + 0
5* Vincent (Gladiator) - Athena +0 
So..as you can see Their Faiths arent optimal. 

5* Potential units that I'm currently leveling:
Kahuna (Spirit walker?) - Athena
Mathilda (Witch or Spirit?) - Athena 
Rhea  (Gladiator ) - Hercules
Talissa (NO idea for 5*)  - Zeus
Tess ( Huntsman?) - Hera
Luthor (no idea if S.W or W.D )  - Kratos
Kai ( Ninja )  - Hera ( also have a another Hera and Ares Kai)
Victoria (Paladin or Defender?) - Kratos 
Arthur (Paladin or Defender?) - Ares
Teresa (Inquisitor?) - Athena
Drake (Glad or Dragoon?) - Kratos.

Whats the most optimal squad for PVP that I can get from this rank up?

PS another note.
Should I currently use Nimue to help my Critrate on my rangers during PVE?

Hope you can help me!
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Re: Stuck at 1700.

Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:02 am

As I've said in another thread you've made, ranger teams rely on heavy investment. Your 2 rangers have horrible crit stats and to be blunt, early game rangers have meh attack when it doesn't crit. The lowest crit you want is at least >50% and anything lower than that may have you in sticky situations. Your Leon is basically a benchwarmer and is easily replaceable by, say, an Assassin Kai who could potentially refresh one of your rangers for more crit fests. Unfortunately, I did warn you earlier of how much investment ranger trigger teams require and a ranger with low crit is a sad ranger. . Your warlock Merlin doesn't really synergize well with your lineup but she is strong on her own so I guess it's okay that she's there, I suppose. 

I'll be clear on what I think: replace your Leon with another ranger/a shadow with refresh on crit and continue to buff your team. You're very far, I'm telling you so don't expect to get good results quickly.
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Re: Stuck at 1700.

Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:35 pm

As I've said in another thread you've made, ranger teams rely on heavy investment. Your 2 rangers have horrible crit stats and to be blunt, early game rangers have meh attack when it doesn't crit. The lowest crit you want is at least >50% and anything lower than that may have you in sticky situations. Your Leon is basically a benchwarmer and is easily replaceable by, say, an Assassin Kai who could potentially refresh one of your rangers for more crit fests. Unfortunately, I did warn you earlier of how much investment ranger trigger teams require and a ranger with low crit is a sad ranger. . Your warlock Merlin doesn't really synergize well with your lineup but she is strong on her own so I guess it's okay that she's there, I suppose. 

I'll be clear on what I think: replace your Leon with another ranger/a shadow with refresh on crit and continue to buff your team. You're very far, I'm telling you so don't expect to get good results quickly.
Currently working on the Kai Ninja ;)
But if the archers are currently not a decent investment. Should I swap to invest in something else for the time being?
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Re: Stuck at 1700.

Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:52 am

You could certainly create another team if you want. I have a team I use solely for events, PvE and PvP but i invest everything to my PvP team so its BP is the highest.

You could use an SDD squad comprising of Drake Drag, Leon BK, Kahuna SW, Emilia, Matilda WD with the last member being Merlock. If you find a 6-grid red vampire rune, it'll be even better and equip it to Drake. Basically, Drake's aura together with Kahuna triggers every time he heals which he will thanks to Leon and the rune. Using Matilda WD can refresh Drake when he heals going back to the previous point I've made. In cases where Drake can't hurt a guardian, Merlock can effectively deal with the tanks that would cause issues.

This lineup does not demand as much of an investment but it is definitely appreciated
I'm fairly certain you'll reach crystal after this, at least. Also, this is a reliable raid lineup so that's a +.
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Re: Stuck at 1700.

Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:34 am

You could certainly create another team if you want. I have a team I use solely for events, PvE and PvP but i invest everything to my PvP team so its BP is the highest.

You could use an SDD squad comprising of Drake Drag, Leon BK,  Kahuna SW, Emilia, Matilda WD with the last member being Merlock. If you find a 6-grid red vampire rune, it'll be even better and equip it to Drake. Basically, Drake's aura together with Kahuna triggers every time he heals which he will thanks to Leon and the rune. Using Matilda WD can refresh Drake when he heals going back to the previous point I've made. In cases where Drake can't hurt a guardian, Merlock can effectively deal with the tanks that would cause issues.

This lineup does not demand as much of an investment but it is definitely appreciated
I'm fairly certain you'll reach crystal after this, at least. Also, this is a reliable raid lineup so that's a +.
Will try this then!:)
Thanks for the advice.
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Stuck at 1700

Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:12 am

each series for the enigma 1 2 and 3 consists of 8 times the 0/1 ed5 part afaik... and u gotta wait an hour inbetween them as well. or are you stuck on one of them? if so, which one is it?
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Stuck at 1700

Sat Sep 29, 2018 3:41 pm

You can always downgrade the same way you upgrade...but of course we’d rather find what it is that is causing your stuck notes.
Over to Jim Hewes....
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