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How to use Raegar MB to his full potential?

Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:20 pm

I had try to use Raegar MB in many situation
In PvE if not for bonus stat his aura is weaker version of Sora, he skill not that useful unless he change to his celestial form, but he didn't silence boss often or maybe I just got bad luck?

In PvP (expert+) at first I though his skill would be great for my team since I use 2 mage, but in reality, 
vs tank team
- after decrease guardian mag, only manage to damage with skill 2000 more it not much to guardian
- silence is nice to have but still hard to use and it didn't 100% chance, if I miss I lose 

vs Ranger team
- die before he can do anything but well some time it nice to use him as decoy

vs Mage
- well he is mage bane so of-course he work well in this situation, -70% mag to very much and my team is kind of high def and mag to begin with
when face Ronan or Talissa their skill lose so much damage but then again...I rarely lose to Mage team and now a day it even more rare to face mage team

In Raid
I might be mistake here but it seem he some time can silence boss, but still hard to use since he need to change his form first

In conclusion I try many way still don't know which way to made him one of kind that can't replace by other unit, cause every thing he can do, there are other unit can do better
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Re: How to use Raegar MB to his full potential?

Wed Jul 12, 2017 3:02 pm

I actually regretted promoting him to MB, when I was the one who urge my guildmate to get SM.

Why did I liked SM at first glance, the BLEED and stat boost aura. Ideal for PVP and good in some smaller boss, not the Master lvl Black Dragon (600k HP)

Why did I promote to MB in the end, because I wasn't clearing master consistently, and I thought Event hero would be OP if use correctly, I see MB have Other Attack - Trigger - Self Attack aura, I though I could go no-brainer and make a trigger-melee team with Sora Ninja & Freya Berserker. And, I was disappointed, such team CAN'T even clear Legendary with EASE.

In PVE, MB has so limited uses like SM, so Raegar on my view is not a good pve unit.
in PVP, I really don't think a non-damaging skill is needed in this occasion (MB), while SM has potential to Bleed first, Fear next on non-guardian team.

TL:DR, I can't see the glorified use of Raegar MB. I just really can't.
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Re: How to use Raegar MB to his full potential?

Wed Jul 12, 2017 6:08 pm

The only place I can think of where player can use MB Raegar to great use is if they generally fight only on lower tier arena where Talissa, Ronan, and Kiera are still widely used. Even then, he can only be useful if we also have Mystics on our team (preferably Talissa) or other unit that can immediately dish out their skill right after MB Raegar cast his celestial form.

BUT honestly, the two new elves are mediocre at best.
Raegar Samurai might be arguably a better choice than MB, but he is still a niche unit. In fact, Raegar Samurai does quite worse than MB in regard to arena because his bleed doesn't last for long to do any substantial damage (but maybe because I tested him out against guardian+Inqui Lucille+Talissa team, or that I need to place him on/against trigger team in order to make the best of him).
Emillia Archbishop is basically a combination of Luthor Inquisitor and Archbishop but with much faster cooldown, which make her indeed above the regular healers, but still lose out to Matilda in term of usage. On the other hand, Emillia Inquisitor is actually a slightly weaker version of Matilda Spirit Walker. Her only saving grace is that she buff the whole party instead of herself (and her more fanservice-cy artwork if that can actually count)

In my opinion, the dev did a good job at making sure they aren't OP. Well, maybe a little too good :lol:
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Re: How to use Raegar MB to his full potential?

Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:54 pm

The only place I can think of where player can use MB Raegar to great use is if they generally fight only on lower tier arena where Talissa, Ronan, and Kiera are still widely used. Even then, he can only be useful if we also have Mystics on our team (preferably Talissa) or other unit that can immediately dish out their skill right after MB Raegar cast his celestial form.

BUT honestly, the two new elves are mediocre at best.
Raegar Samurai might be arguably a better choice than MB, but he is still a niche unit. In fact, Raegar Samurai does quite worse than MB in regard to arena because his bleed doesn't last for long to do any substantial damage (but maybe because I tested him out against guardian+Inqui Lucille+Talissa team, or that I need to place him on/against trigger team in order to make the best of him).
Emillia Archbishop is basically a combination of Luthor Inquisitor and Archbishop but with much faster cooldown, which make her indeed above the regular healers, but still lose out to Matilda in term of usage. On the other hand, Emillia Inquisitor is actually a slightly weaker version of Matilda Spirit Walker. Her only saving grace is that she buff the whole party instead of herself (and her more fanservice-cy artwork if that can actually count)

In my opinion, the dev did a good job at making sure they aren't OP. Well, maybe a little too good :lol:
- I agree that in higher arena (top 50) we rarely see any mystic (I manage to get top 50 and about 1 in 10 or less I will meet one) 
- I think Emilia is stronger than Matilda cause she buff herself two time, one from cast skill, and one in celestial form, so it both MAG and ATK same, Emilia probably had higher ATK
still never see battle priest before, maybe if we up have talent it might be good
- Don't know if this could call good job since Reager IMO kind of weakest shadow 5* so far 
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Re: How to use Raegar MB to his full potential?

Fri Jul 14, 2017 5:05 pm

The only place I can think of where player can use MB Raegar to great use is if they generally fight only on lower tier arena where Talissa, Ronan, and Kiera are still widely used. Even then, he can only be useful if we also have Mystics on our team (preferably Talissa) or other unit that can immediately dish out their skill right after MB Raegar cast his celestial form.

BUT honestly, the two new elves are mediocre at best.
Raegar Samurai might be arguably a better choice than MB, but he is still a niche unit. In fact, Raegar Samurai does quite worse than MB in regard to arena because his bleed doesn't last for long to do any substantial damage (but maybe because I tested him out against guardian+Inqui Lucille+Talissa team, or that I need to place him on/against trigger team in order to make the best of him).
Emillia Archbishop is basically a combination of Luthor Inquisitor and Archbishop but with much faster cooldown, which make her indeed above the regular healers, but still lose out to Matilda in term of usage. On the other hand, Emillia Inquisitor is actually a slightly weaker version of Matilda Spirit Walker. Her only saving grace is that she buff the whole party instead of herself (and her more fanservice-cy artwork if that can actually count)

In my opinion, the dev did a good job at making sure they aren't OP. Well, maybe a little too good :lol:
- I agree that in higher arena (top 50) we rarely see any mystic (I manage to get top 50 and about 1 in 10 or less I will meet one) 
- I think Emilia is stronger than Matilda cause she buff herself two time, one from cast skill, and one in celestial form, so it both MAG and ATK same, Emilia probably had higher ATK
still never see battle priest before, maybe if we up have talent it might be good
- Don't know if this could call good job since Reager IMO kind of weakest shadow 5* so far 
After I did my own test, Matilda SW was more useful on PVE since we can use her pet to reach places, give constant healing, and to tank for us. Matilda SW has slightly higher damage overtime due to higher attack trigger damage and her longer duration of skill buff, Not to mention that Matilda has higher base MAG (around 400 point difference).albeit lower base ATK (around 200 point difference). Besidesly, due to how elves skill work, Matilda can cast her skill more often than Emillia can.

On the other hand, Emillia shines more on arena. Her skill provides more constant healing than Matilda's pet can. Also, the charm effect from her celestial form may work wonder against high attack target. And unlike Matilda, Emillia can be placed in a non-dedicated team, and still be able to contribute. She can also be used to alleviate Talissa's Poison damage, though not to the extend of negating all of the damage since the amount healed is lower in arena.

Raegar.. yeah. I do think the same. He's arguably even weaker than Izumi or Kai. But maybe it's because we haven't found the 'best' way to utilize him.
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Re: How to use Raegar MB to his full potential?

Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:01 am

I sincerely believe Raegar MB is a PVE type with lots of good combinations with Archer or Healer trigger teams with his pushback effect and long-range chain when in celestial form. A single frontliner backed up with 4 archers or 4 offensive healers is very good in keeping your enemies away from you. Even if Raegar consumed all of his action points, he can surely deal damage when enemies comes nearer. 
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Re: How to use Raegar MB to his full potential?

Sun Aug 20, 2017 8:49 am

In regard to pve, MB Raegar is only useful once he entered CF, and if he can remain on his CF for long. It's because his aura knockback severely limits his (and other melee units) dps while he's not under CF effect. On both archer trigger and healer trigger team, I believe the new gladiator Rhea can perform much better than he does.

Unless the dev add something to his CF activation aside of that sole MAG reduce (another debuff or damage maybe?), he will still remain an arena-only hero like Aden.
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