i reached lvl 46 and got myself a few units...well most of the i got monsters or 3* only units, but hey. Even though i don't have many units capable of being awesome, i don't know which routes i should take evolving them. Maybe you guys can tell me which units i should use and which evolution route i should take.
4* Dante Slayer - Kratos
4* Fiona Lancer - Hercules
4* Dante Lancer - Hercules
3* Dandte - Athena
3* Dandte - Athena
3* Dandte - Hera
4* Luna Marksman - Kratos
4* Winry Hunter - Athena
4* Aaron Hunter - Athena
3* Luna - Kratos
3* Aaron - Ares
5* Shizu Assassin - Ares
3* Vann - Athena
4* Victoria Crusader - Zeus
5* Maleos - Athena
3* Leon - Zeus
3* Leon - Athena
3* Natalia - Kratos
3* Ralph - Kratos
Healer: (here i need the most help)
4* Luthor Priest - Zeus
4* Poisin Ivy - Athena (from a 4-5 ticket ;____;)
4* Teresa Sage - Hera
3* Claude - Hercules
4* Dark Baron - Zeus
4* Isabella Invoker - Hera
3* Isabella - Zeus
3* Zedd - Hercules
3* Kristoph - Hercules
Overall my faiths are pretty crappy and always the opposite of what would be useful.
I really would appreciate help with team buildung and Evo-Path choosing