Hey guys!
Just a new player dropping by to ask a question! Just got my 28th day Valiant Tix and planning to make him either GS/SS kane since he is Ares.
Currently, I'm in Gold 3 (somehow I managed ) and am looking to have some advice to point out things i'm not seeing myself.
Atm, I use:
Samurai Miu >
| |
Warlord Leah > Cybella GS
| | | |
Berserker Vincent > Kane GR
the | | means their aura points to one another, and all my 3 melee including Gladiator Freya (not yet put in) has perfect aura.
How do I slot in Freya to make use of her attacks since its not exactly a cleave and still make good use of her aura, like when enemy walks the first 2 melee, my vincent can cleave all 3 (2 front and 1 still behind capture point). And how would my GS / SS to-be Kane fit in?