Hi all. I'm new to the forum. Been playing for 2 weeks (based on daily login). I really like this game in many ways so I feel like I should sign up to post opinion regarding 2-3* heroes arena. I experienced this kind of arena in other game. I think it's not a good idea at all considering the heroes' functions of VF compared to that other game.
1st reason: 2-3* arena won't be the floor for f2p if that's one of the intentions for having such arena. P2p players will dominate them as happened in other game as arena is, no matter what it is, reward based. Besides, p2p players will have big leverage to 2-3* arena as they have normal arena team that can do well to maintain weekly gems so they have a lot of resources left to build 2-3* arena team for more rewards.
Note: I was one of top 30 players in normal arena of that game and I witnessed the struggle of new players during the very early stage of that game by the total number of arena participation (shown in game) decreased weekly.
2nd reason: 2-3* arena will hugely expand the area that players have to work on since this kind of game is to grind and build pvp & pve teams. By creating unnecessary need to build 2-3* team that players won't be using at end game, new players will have too much work to do and end up cannot compete in either normal arena or 2-3* arena and feel burnt out then leave the game.
Note: This is a very important issue that some people may not realize that, by wanting something else to do, the function drives away new players unintentionally. Considering this game has high lv of difficulty and slow building rate, I think this function will cause adverse effect on the game. I would like to emphasize that keeping the game interesting and creating more work that could affect players base are two different things.
3rd reason: No function or usefulness of 2-3* heroes. In the other game I played, they make 1-3* heroes with unique skills that some players may wanna use them. 2* hero's skill blended in with 4-5* heroes can kick asses of full 5* team if using it right. VF is not designed to have 2-3* useful that way from the beginning. Now new players including me already end up with 4* heroes (Winry & Seraphina) that we won't be using unless we have enough resources to limit break them to be comparable to 5* (but what's the point of doing that?).
Here is my 2cent. I hope it useful for the developer to take into account when considering this feature.
Agree with most of the points here. As a cbt f2p player I already have difficulty trying to max out my 4 star heroes and limit break them as the 5 star able heroes just use up alot of resources. The idea of unique skills for 2-3 star heroes sounds interesting. In the previous lulu event they had trials that require team of e.g. 3 stars only to clear the map, they may bring these features back in future events and make 3 star heroes useful.