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Feedback about Game Progression

Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:58 am


Been playing the game for a while and have been an avid supporter of it.  I have some feedbacks about the game progression and was wondering how will the Developers address some of it.

1. Gacha System for just about everything and the game should be renamed to "Random Force" instead of Valiant Force because there is nothing Valiant about being random. (i.e Characters, Equipment, Upgrading, Aura Re-roll, Faith Re-roll, Bundles and Event Rewards)
- Since this game uses the Gacha System, that means things are always random and you may not always get the characters or equipment that you want.
- Since the beginning, I've been focusing on specific characters to improve for my trigger squad namely Cybella GR, Cybella GS, Gwen GS and Kane GR.  I also have Rhea Gladiator and Sven Berserker. 
- All of the following character's equipment is maxed out and aligned to their respective suffixes (I prefer Might because of CRIT).
- All of the following character's runes is also maxed out (I have a combination of 4* and 5* runes).
- All of the following character's are level 40.
- All of the following character's talent tree is also maxed out (Sweet!).
- All of the following character's have costumes and skins.

You probably know where this is going and if you don't, I'll give you a hint.  I've dedicated all random drops from story mode, event rewards, gems and most imporatantly, TIME for these characters to be maxed out and what I don't understand is why the updates for this game is always something about balancing this and balancing that. What am I going to do with these maxed out characters? Bench them? Spend a ton of gems again for characters that will be benched in the future again?

The main reason I want to upgrade the following characters is that I like the synergy between them.  The auras compliment each other and help me complete some event quests without stressing out that I have to spend 25 gems or purchase another bundle to get another batch of gems to revive my whole squad.

Players already struggle with RNG and if the game continues to roll out updates that destroy the efficiency of a particular build, it just sends out one thing to players and that is everything that you've worked hard for will all go to waste eventually because that is what we want to happen.

A great example for this is the new raid. Developers even dared players to bring their trigger squads to that new raid as if they are saying that it's time for you to spend more money in order to participate in this raid cause we are going to place DOT tiles underneath your trigger squad and also debuff you with bleed so you will die right away. F*** that trigger squad that you've spent all your resources into.

Why can't the game simply try to compliment any build to justify the randomness of everything and let players play the game the way they want to play the game.

2. Events
- Previous events have MASTER TIER trials that really offers a challenge to players and that is OK. Seriously, it's ok because I can just not do it and still complete the event quests 100%.
- What is not OK is the Dark Disciple event and the Halloween Tower. The main reason is everything can one-shot anything if you reach a particular level forcing players to stop enjoying your events or spend gems.  It's never OK to spend 400 gems to complete a floor 58 of Halloween Tower.  It's never OK to spend 100-200 gems to get 4pcs of materials for your Dark Disciple.
- Why are these events always feel like a trap? It's designed to lure you to almost completing everything and since they cannot think of a better gimmick, they just make the monsters on these levels one-shot you and call it a CHALLENGE.

3. Milestone Celebrations (i.e X Million of Downloads and Anniversary)
- Why do you charge players for bundles when these players are the reason why you are celebrating these milestones? Aren't you suppose to THANK players. The Halloween costume for Ronan is appreciated though.

4. Energy
- Need energy to play? Buy it from the supplies shop.  Need more? Well you have to pay more!
- Why does energy price have to go up? Seriously though... 200 Gems for 100 energy. 100 gems for 25 energy. 
- Why? Why? Why?

Honestly, I should not have started this thread because it's not worth it anyway.  Nodoby will ever listen to feedbacks like these.
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Re: Feedback about Game Progression

Sun Oct 29, 2017 5:10 pm

Well, this sounds more of a complain than a suggestion.
Maybe you can add the solution to these problems?

I think a lot of people have already complained about the RNG part of this game which is frustrating, but I guess that's how they want the game to roll... So I can't comment much about it anyway.

Power creep is common, but so far as I've seen; there are no two characters doing the same role.
For example, cybella GS and Gwen GS.
Gwen GS will win anyhow but her trigger has lower damage % than cybella and she inflicts silence while cybella inflicts sleep.
So at least every character have an originality built into them and genesis characters are easier to build because of how easy it is to get them.

They're generous enough to give at least one almost guaranteed dark disciple every abyssal gate so I think thats generous enough because you can do it without spending gems. Limit Breaking is another matter because it's not supposed to be easy anyway.

About tower events; you can advance easier by using event characters with 150% bonus stats and by lowering enemy stats up to 50%.
Starting from 56 and up you must bring at least 1-2 event character tho. But you can obtain lancelot from floor 50, so I think it's not on a ridiculous difficulty; and more of a guild effort.
Also, the rewards are very good and I think spending some gems to revive and to advance is worthy to do.

I believe the number of gem needed to purchase energy is to limit our playtime. If it stays the same, everyone will buy energy over and over and they will advance very much faster than people who don't buy.

I'm not trying to defend the developers, just trying to give my opinion on this matter and give some solutions.