I've tried both "pulling Talisa to you" and "using Lucill/Faye to shield so your team can walk forward" strategies. Pulling Talisa to you is way more reliable because you can kill the boss 1 turn faster - she doesn't get to cast Blinding Light.
Yeah it appears the best strategy for this event is the pull taliyah one. Ill just remain sad here without a warlord. Do you have any recommendations for a lucille/faye team though?
How about a Ninja? If you're using Lucille/Faye combo and if your Berserker Vincent is strong enough, I think you can use a 4* Ninja just for the swap. You've got enough sustain to cover the lack of DPS. You'd probably need to sacrifice the Bonus Chest though.
I feel that in order to farm effectively, without using potion, the below should be the build.
Faye(HD or PD)
Vinc(Berserk) <- Kahuna(SW)/GS Kane
Leon(Zealot)/Swapper/Puller <- Lucille (Insp)
Because you can pull in the chest you want in 2/3 and then wait out until all the chest explode. Before the rest of the chest explode, you either use faye or lucille.
Then 3/3 is easy when your swapper or leon is ready again in 2/3.
If you dont have a puller, it is much more prefer to find an ally that have, because the blind is really very irritating, and her 3 sentianl s actually painless, just let them self destruct themself. haha