Hi, would most thankfully appreciate any team building advice here.
teresa WD +2 LB 1, kratos
victoria HD+2 kratos
Darrion HD+2 ares
Darrion BK+2 zeus
Shizu Ninja+2 herc
Vincent Berzerker+2 herc
Vincent Dragoon+2 herc
Cybella GR+2 zeus
Cybella GR+1 ares
Kai Magebane+2 zeus
Zedd MW+1 kratos
Vincent slayer zeus
teresa priest zeus
two victorias athena & hera
Darrion kratos
kai athena
I have a few questions i'd like the advice of the community on.
1. what should i do with my 3* darrion? as he has perfect faith, i dont wish to use him to lb my darrion bk. logically i guess i should make a HD and use my current ares darrion HD to lb the new kratos one. But i feel i could benefit with a CK and since i alrdy have a HD victoria with kratos faith, i can use my 3* victorias to lb my 5* kratos HD. But that would make my 5* HD darrion obsolete which is a waste. Or i can use the two 3* victorias to make a CK instead but their faith isn't ideal.
2. train my 4* vincent slayer zeus to berzerker and use my current 5* vincent herc to lb the new zeus one, or wait out for an ares pixie to somehow appear?
3. which cybella to focus on and use as LB fodder for the other? the zeus or ares faithed? or wait for a hera pixie/hera cybella?
4. priest teresa to go for inquisitor or AB? i'd really like the persistent heal aura but since i have 2 HD i dont need the negative effect removal and i think AB's shield is pretty useful.
5. 3*kai just use him to LB my current magebane kai?
I'd optimally just want to be able to scrape through story mode, and excel in pvp.
Many thanks in advance!