Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. I am poor but I have all the units required. Can I perform at the same caliber as your squad?
Answer: Yes, this team is actually very low cost. The only unit needed to be geared properly is the main DD. Other units need only to have enough defense to survive or have a unit that increase the survivability of the team like my suggestion, Siena.
While everyone were working on their event units (Miu, Ronan, etc.), all I was doing was improving my Berserker Vincent because I have bad luck getting event units. Those gears are nothing special, they are all farmable, nothing exclusive to paying players only.
Q2. I have made the team composition but ... OMG my RNG sucks! Please help me! What should I do?!
Answer: Simple answer is to boost the consistency of the triggers by adding units such as Siena or improve your Berserker stats further so it only requires lesser triggers to finish up whatever enemy you're fighting.
If you are fighting against Phoenix at legendary and the boss only has a few HP left and your berserker buff already ran out, you can still try to kill the boss with normal taps. To prevent the boss from using it's skills as you normal tap it to death, you should taunt it using Leon or Darrion. Somehow, they made the phoenix only do normal attacks if taunted so this acts like a silence debuff.
If nothing else works, use the FDC (Forced Disconnect) trick. Shutdown VF application and open the app again, you should be able to resume the battle and it will start again back at Wave 1. There is a problem though with this method, for each FDC you do, you get a 5% stat penalty. So for example, you restarted your run 5 times, you get a -25% stat penalty.
Back on Faye event, I was using a Samurai Shizu ally on one of my legendary runs (event). When one of my unit died (unit behind Faye), it was replaced by the ally Shizu and luckily, the aura of the Shizu ally has an arrow pointing forwards. The formation was,
Faye - Shizu
My Faye was already standing beside my own Samurai Shizu so what happened was the 2 samurai auras stacked on Faye. When I made my Faye attack, she straight killed Darrion with 12x triggers. It was then when I realized how strong 2 samurai shizu aura can be especially if an event unit is doing the attacks or maybe even a Berserker Vincent.
When the Miu event patched in, I had alot of troubles dealing with the bosses because I never was able to pull my own Miu. So I thought, if only there's another unit with the same aura as Samurai Shizu then I can invest on a Vincent Berserker and clear these ridiculous bosses similar to how my Faye destroyed Darrion before. I was then thinking critically until I remembered Kahuna. I remembered that Spiritwalker Kahuna had an aura similar to Samurai Shizu except that it requires a unit to be healed. So I thought "what if I just put a vampire rune on berserker, it should then work the same way as shizu's aura". The prototype of this build was born, I was using the setup below,
Vincent - Kahuna
I thought, if Vincent gets hit, Faye will absorb the damage and heal him at the same time which can start the trigger fest. As I kept running this composition, I thought, "okay, this is very inconsistent, I need to make it consistent". So I thought, why not add one more lifesteal? I then worked on Leon THUS finalizing the build. Yes, I don't have a Miu and Darrion so my only option was Leon but it is not a bad thing. When I reached PoE 30, Luthor was at the edge of the map out of my berserker's reach and I do not have the luxury to walk forward first as it is very fatal due to Luthor's 15k+ ATK. Then I thought, Leon's skill was a blessing, I just had to pull Luthor in front of berserker and my berserker shredded Luthor into pieces. That is how I cleared PoE 30 w/o owning a Miu.
Thanks for reading my story ;3