About weapon upgrade:
-hope its not only to those 1 piece equipment. Eventually set item will be more viable in the end.
- if its a set item, i hope that after rank up to higher tier, it will still have the same item needed for set boost.
- after rank up weapon, it should be more powerful than a +15 before it even if its +0 of a higer tier. Retain the stat bonus given for all the previous +15 upgrades. Its not a little investment for a 4* to a 5* than to know that your 4* +15 is way more better than the new rank up 5* +0 equipment.
-the most important is, i hope there wont be rng in this respect like weapon forge. The pros in this new feature is the stat bonus, if you dont retain the previous +15 stat bonus. Its no much different that the weapons u get from weapon forge.