Christmas Event
Seems like the higher floors are nigh impossible without a bunch of Mius. Have a squad with 5* +2 with max training heroes but the enemies are just too tanky. Exile 28 trial 2 (4* and below) in particular seems ridiculously hard too with the stun and sleep lock.
I understand that perhaps asking for all the possible event rewards is too much to ask for but at this point I'm pretty much stuck. Can't do Legendary 20-3 and beyond too so I'm basically desperately trying to find ways to spend my overflowing energy in an efficient way. The only place where I'm not stuck is Arena, climbed from Diamond 1 to Crystal 2 (I think) with 118W:12L this season.
Just want to clarify but I'm not complaining, love this game and it seems like it has a bright future ahead of it. But whatever happened to the developers adjusting the difficulty of the event when it was too hard? Granted the only time they lowered the difficulty was 100 arena wins to 50 for the King Maleos event quest, it appeared that for once a mobile game's developers actually listened to their players' feedback and adjusted the difficulty accordingly.
But after that the events just kept on getting harder and harder. Carnival of Horrors Legendary was challenging even with the two different variations of Seraphina. 5 chests that explode for 4-5k with 100k hp each? I needed 3 Seraphinas (plus ally) and a bit of luck to ensure that I killed the right chest with the rewards, and even then there were quite a few times I got no rewards because of unlucky attack bounces or no crits.
And then you have the Coliseum event. The jump from Heroic to Legendary was so high that even the soldiers from Attack on Titan couldn't scale the distance with their 3D maneuver gear. I managed to convince a friend of mine to start playing and even though I had a full month's lead ahead of him, we both ended up doing Heroic a few hundred times until the event ended. I did get a Leah from the Coliseum ticket though so for that I am thankful.
And now we come to this event. I understand players are not supposed to get all the rewards, and the easy rewards are a very generous gift from the developers to us, but I'm currently stuck in a tunnel with no signs of light ahead. I had initially considered buying the new Boxing Day bundle, but even with powerful gear, it doesn't seem like I'd be able to clear Exile 28 trial 2. Having a "4* and below" trial was interesting, but putting it on one of the highest floors was a really bad move in my opinion.
This game started out really nice and fun two months ago and seemed like it had a bright future ahead of it, but for now that positive momentum has run out and the honeymoon period of the game is over. I look forward to seeing what the developers have planned for us in the near future and the state of the game then as compared to now and before.
TL;DR This game started out really well and seemed promising, but the developers kind of seem like they are getting a little too greedy with their bundles and rate ups. 110 summons for 1 Cybella and 1 Miu. Events are getting really hard and the progression treadmill is pretty steep. And for context, I'm not an entitled f2p leech who expects the game's content to be tailored to him. I know developers have to eat and the money has to come from somewhere, but the $170 I put into the game doesn't make me feel like I got my money's worth in terms of enjoyment. I hate to say that but it's the current situation I find myself in now. Thank you for reading and putting up with my little rant. I'd like to start a discussion about this and find out what the other players think.
Edit: I'm apparently blind and need to get my eyes checked. Exile 28 trial 2 is "clear with squad of 4 or less" not "4* and below". I'm just gonna leave this here for the entire world to laugh at me now :c