Underrated Heroes Series Ep 1
"Solo DD Trigger Team Build"
I know every player has different units available on their arsenal. It is indeed hard to provide guides to players if it strictly requires specific units but there are quite a number of alternative units for this build which I will list down within the guide. "DD" means damage dealer. Lastly, build this at your own risk. The main reason why I didn't reveal this composition early is because it might get nerfed to oblivion.
Changelogs: M/D/Y Format
Guide Creation - 02/01/17
Added Kai's Team Variation on Section VI - 02/06/17
Shortcut: Other Build Variation Section
My Opinion On New Hero Drake
So first of all, I will start things with a screenshot.
14 triggers, nothing special. Alot of people already reached this amount or even more but if you look closely, the team composition isn't made up of the common archer trigger teams or anything similar. All these 14 triggers is done by just one unit, Berserker Vincent thus the name of the build being "Solo DD Trigger Team".
I made a "PoE 30 Clear w/o Miu" thread before and mentioned there that I will eventually release a guide to my team build, this is the exact build that made it possible.
I. Introduction
I am Mikan and I'm an official launch player, currently prestige level 6 and probably gonna stay there for a while as I am not a big spender nor a rich person. I actually wanted to create a series of guide, tackling the most underrated heroes and bringing them to the spotlight. This guide is all about that. Here I will explain a powerful team composition that makes use of alot of underrated units in the game. Yes, this is NOT meta so if you're looking for meta builds, this is definitely not the place.
II. Build Breakdown
The Solo DD Trigger Team only requires 4 units, yes it does not require 5. A main DD and 3 aura slaves.
Main DD
It doesn't really matter much who the main DD will be as long as they hit really hard. Berserkers are ideal for this slot as they buff up their damage output to extreme values. Currently we have 3 available units that can advance to Berserker, they are Vincent, Freya and Leah. Additionally, it is required to have a Vampire Rune equipped on the main DD.
3 Aura Slaves
I know some might not like the words used, feel free to suggest better ones. There is only 1 fixed unit for the aura slaves and that is Spiritwalker Kahuna. Others are Samurai Shizu, Samurai Miu, Blood Knight Darrion, Gladiator Drake and Zealot Leon.
III. Setting Up
The core of the setup is Spiritwalker Kahuna and will be positioned on the mid-row mid-column center. Main DD in front of Spiritwalker Kahuna and 2 of any of the listed aura slaves standing beside the main DD. I do recommend having Samurai Shizu mainly because she is very strong, has a better ATK trigger of 85% compared to Kahuna and her skill reduces debuffed unit's DEF and MAG by 35%. Leon is also very good because he has a skill that can pull an enemy near and taunt for emergencies.
So ideally, it would look like this,
But again, you can also use Darrion and Miu so feel free to swap around. The only units that cannot be changed here is the main DD and Spiritwalker Kahuna.
So the reason why the main DD will continue to keep attacking alone is because of the 3 aura slaves. SW Kahuna's aura works like this, if a unit on aura is healed, that healed unit has 30% chance to attack again for 80% of their ATK. With the help of Vampire Rune and Lifesteal Aura, you can get 2 heal ticks, each being able to trigger SW Kahuna's aura. It is also possible to have 3 heal ticks if you use 2 lifesteal auras instead of having SM Shizu. SM Shizu's aura is quite the same as SW Kahuna's aura but instead, it only requires the unit on aura to attack so they have a 30% chance to attack again for 85% of their ATK.
Confusing? To make it simple, your main DD has three 30% individual chances to trigger another 80/85% ATK per attack and this can keep going on and on as long as RNG agrees. The initial attack has 34.3% failure rate but do note that there is also a chance that more than 1 proc can happen out of 3 chances, adding more consistency to the trigger chain.
IV. The Missing Ideal 5th Slot Unit
So as everyone can see, there is still 1 slot to fill. It can be filled by alot of units depending on your needs so feel free to experiment. Nevertheless, I do have a single recommendation. A very underrated unit that barely anyone gives attention to.
Archbishop Siena
Never heard of her? I wouldn't really wonder why. Siena is one of the most underrated arena heroes. Her archbishop advancement provides a very good aura which is a regen for 2 turns when she attacks and most importantly, her skill, Heaven's Embrace which heals everyone by 120% MAG, adds DEF by 25% of her MAG and lastly, a 3-turn regen which heals everyone for 10% of her MAG. The 120% MAG heal does help start a trigger fest but it's only 1 chance. What really matters the most is the DEF boost and the 3-turn regen which compliments this build extremely well. We all know that berserkers are squishy frontliners but with the defense boost, the survivability of a berserker skyrockets, the additional heal tick also adds consistency to the build by adding more chances to proc a trigger fest.
V. Video
I have uploaded a video that showcases how the build works. This is a perfect sample to show that the build does have it's inconsistencies and how the heal ticks (regen) from skills reduces that inconsistency problem.
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