Hello, given the current meta that Isabella is the only key for arena at the moment. with lesser skill turn needed and 100% Silence AoE, i dont feel there is any strategy needed as long as you bring Isabella in your arena team and put her in the back line. With this current situation, it will remove the fun aspect of bringing any other potential units in the arena as when you bring 1 Mind warder, 1 isabella, 1 elementalist, a tanker and a healer this will almost lead you to 100% win rate in arena. There is barely any way to counter this line up at the moment (i tried using 8k ATK kane to hit backline Isabella, only hits for about 2-3k)
my suggestion will be:
1. Rune set that will gives resist to negative effect so some of the units that have CLEANSE EFFECT will be useful
2. Give a % for negative effects to be applied instead of fix 100% chance silence AOE
3. Reduce the silence to 1 turn instead of 2 turns.
thank you