IGN: JaniCena
Lvl: 75
Active daily since day 1
Accepted! Welcome to the guild and please see guild chat for my number to get invite to Whatsapp chat.IGN: JaniCena
Lvl: 75
Active daily since day 1
Accepted! Welcome to the guild and please see guild chat for my number to get invite to Whatsapp chat.
- My IGN: v!cenzo
- My level: 83
- First raid boss dam per run: 300k normal run, 700k highest run.
- My weekly arena point: around 3800
- Top 5 heroes: Vincent berserker lvl 40, Faye paladin lvl 36, Victoria bloodknight lvl 36, Cybella sharpshooter lvl 34, Kai ninja lvl 34
Accepted! Welcome to the guild.
- My IGN: Dias Leong
- My level: 75
- First raid boss dam per run: 220k normal run, 650k highest run.
- My weekly arena point: around 4200
- Top 5 heroes: Vincent berserker lvl 30, Darion Blood Knight lvl 30, Ronan Rune Magus lvl 30, Cybella Grand Ranger lvl 32, Kai ninja lvl 30