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Hokuten Knights Recruiting!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:29 am
by Darkmero
Hey Everyone, Darkmero here!

I have thrown a couple posts out before in this recruitment page as well as on Reddit. We are a maxed out 35 member guild in terms of spots, and looking to fill with ready to learn, play, and conquest! We have an Active Discord as well! Here are the details:

Guild Name: Hokuten Knights: (Based off of Final Fantasy Tactics for those not familiar :3 )
Server: Gevalon
Members: 29/35 (Routine Sweeps for inactive's happen occasionally. So as long as you are at least for Daily's here and there, you'll be fine.
Guild Focus: Conquest & Raid 2 (Easily Clear of Raid 1 on Legend. Working on Phoenix Clear on Raid 2.)
Discord Chat: As we all know, the in game chat menu is horrible. So our guild is very active, friendly, and helpful in discord where it is easier to chat, both both are used.


Q: I have some friends I play with, can they join?

A: Consult me directly on here or in game. As shown above, we have open spots, however this could be subject to change over time. Plus, I may not have done a member sweep so I could usually clear up room. Just ask! :)

Q: How do I join if I'm interested?

A: Simply direct message me, or supply your friend code here if you are comfortable with it. You can reach me on Reddit as well. My Name there is: Jibril_Sama.

Overall we are super friendly, helpful, in terms of lineups etc. We'd love to have you! See you in game Valiants!

Dark Mero
Guild Master- Hokuten Knights
Vice Guild Master: Dorian
Reddit Username: Jibril_Sama