An event is not for everyone. If you keep on trying to waste your energy on failing on the event, you're doing it wrong. If you keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again, you'll still fail no matter how hard you try. That's why the story missions are there, to level up your units, to give you gems to summons new heroes. Then level up them some more.See? Why are the new players whining?The fact is, new players can choose to continue to do their story quests and get stronger. It is not hard to see this event is tough, even for veteran players. So why insist on nerfing everything so that even players who start today is able to get 100% clearance?We're going around in circles. New Players regardless if they're being bombarded by gifts etc. has no visible access to this EVENT. That's all there is to it.
They cannot finish the Event Quests due to the 21 Trial Quest and they cannot farm at a reasonable rate due to the drop rate to get Kahuna.
The big 'whining' for is that there are others that care about new players. We want New Players to have fun. This is not for our benefit. It is for theirs.
What is an event? An event for players who are bored? An event is for everyone, regardless of new or old. The moment you said that "new players can choose to continue to do their story quests to get stronger", stronger for what?
For another event they cannot do?
For another day to complain why the event is catered for veteran?
For another day of spending time playing adventure mode which are permanent content while the rest are playing exclusive event?
People are just consistently skipping the story missions, just for the event. That's why they fail.