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Re: F2P is officially dead.

Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:22 pm

Nope. My point is very plain and simply this.
The bar shouldnt be too high for a player playing from day 1. Beta is beta, whales will be whales, but you do not make your events just to suit these players, you should make your events to the level of someone who is playing from day 1! Simple as that!
There is a very simple reason most games wipe after beta, because of inconsistencies like these! You cannot make the event hard enough for beta that it would be feasible for non beta players to complete, but yet you cannot make it feasible to complete for official launch players, but keep it consistently challenging for beta! This is NOT a level playing field and experience on both ends will obviously be different!
But you SHOULD cater to the majority! And I doubt beta + whales will be the majority. Majority of spenders maybe, but not your player base majority. You will not get new spenders if your new crowd do not enjoy your events or find it fair.
Your first 2 line said something very plain, simple and clear. You are admitting that you looked up at the bar and you are not willing to try and reach for it but instead asking for the bar the be lowered.

You can argue back: who say I(you) never try and reach for it.

Yeah I believe you did, i really do. But to reach the highest bar is not a instant thing. I'm sure you reached somewhere up in the "bar", and you set your eyes on the highest bar, and that is fine! But be a bit realistic, you know how well your team can do right now. But can still can train a bit harder to reach your goal.

I think of it as: trial of strength. Everyone can enter, but how far can you reach. Can't the reach the top? Try again when you are stronger.

Yes yes. This event is time limited. It should be. If not, it will not be labelled as "event" but a quest or something.

Do you agree that you are admitting to, you, trying to reach for the highest bar but couldn't reach it and asking for the bar the be lowered instead?
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Re: F2P is officially dead.

Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:34 pm

Hello halekuu,

Define your average player.

Let me give you a scenario of beta wipe.

Everyone start at day 1, whales, spender and F2P.

My average player is full team 4*
Whaler full team 5*
Spender 3 4* 2 5*

Event is here
*based on your arguement dev should cater to all player

Whaler clear legendary (on farm)
Spender clear heroic stuck at legendary
Average clear normal, some able to clear heroic, stuck at legendary.

Or do you prefer:
Whaler auto legendary
Spender semi-auto legendary
Average clear legendary ??

So you (halekuuu) join today thus can't clear heroic or legendary, how ? Nerf it down for you since u stand for the majority.
Ah, now you seem to slightly understand what I am talking about. If I joined today, how am I supposed to join the event? I already said it should be to the level of day1 players yes? Then players late to join should not complete 100% easily! You prove my point.

So why did I suddenly join today? But you get the idea. If I want to catch up to the level of someone who played 3 weeks ago (officially, not beta) then I should spend. No qns asked.

And you should check your understanding of narcissist. Mind boggling
Too easy for whaler and spender, you didn't not provide answer as to how to keep then engage.

I googled it to be sure before using it on you. Your Behavioural profile fits the descriptions of NPD.

Narcissistic personality disorder is a abnormal behaviour characterised by exaggerated feelings of self importance.

You donminate conversation, being in the center of attention.

You show how "knowledgable and insightful" in giving suggestion.

You need to win regardless how many try to enlighten you.

It is never you fault, is the dev fault anw.

If this game is not your cup of tea, there are still plenty of games out there. Thank you for your time and effort in all the discussion above.

Wish you all the best in your future endeavour. Cheers!
Too easy? That's what the event ladder and tier rewards are for, sadly they didn't implement it this time so in essence the whales and spenders got gyped. But yeah you would argue that's my fault too.

I dominate conversation? I would say that it's because you fail to provide proper argument, but then again that would be my fault.

If higher tier people say chest hp could do with a nerf I suppose me quoting that would be me being narcissistic to.

Don't feel I have been insightful at any point, I didn't even give devs any exact advice, I only said it should be more reasonable. I don't understand how much more generic and non specific I can get.

Enlighten me, sure by all means, I can listen to reason, but resorting to character attack ( basing this off a few forum posts I write no less) is very distasteful and does not help your credibility.

You know what's narcissism ? "I made a fantastic game, I find it fun, people aren't complaining, but nobody is spending money!! It must be the players fault!"

That's narcissism.
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Re: F2P is officially dead.

Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:41 pm

Nope. My point is very plain and simply this.
The bar shouldnt be too high for a player playing from day 1. Beta is beta, whales will be whales, but you do not make your events just to suit these players, you should make your events to the level of someone who is playing from day 1! Simple as that!
There is a very simple reason most games wipe after beta, because of inconsistencies like these! You cannot make the event hard enough for beta that it would be feasible for non beta players to complete, but yet you cannot make it feasible to complete for official launch players, but keep it consistently challenging for beta! This is NOT a level playing field and experience on both ends will obviously be different!
But you SHOULD cater to the majority! And I doubt beta + whales will be the majority. Majority of spenders maybe, but not your player base majority. You will not get new spenders if your new crowd do not enjoy your events or find it fair.
Your first 2 line said something very plain, simple and clear. You are admitting that you looked up at the bar and you are not willing to try and reach for it but instead asking for the bar the be lowered.

You can argue back: who say I(you) never try and reach for it.

Yeah I believe you did, i really do. But to reach the highest bar is not a instant thing. I'm sure you reached somewhere up in the "bar", and you set your eyes on the highest bar, and that is fine! But be a bit realistic, you know how well your team can do right now. But can still can train a bit harder to reach your goal.

I think of it as: trial of strength. Everyone can enter, but how far can you reach. Can't the reach the top? Try again when you are stronger.

Yes yes. This event is time limited. It should be. If not, it will not be labelled as "event" but a quest or something.

Do you agree that you are admitting to, you, trying to reach for the highest bar but couldn't reach it and asking for the bar the be lowered instead?
In essence you are right but bear in mind this, does this bar stay at the same height all the way?
So this event it's too high for me just like the Halloween event. That's fine! I sucked it up and skipped that too to level and progress in story. So the next event the bar goes up again and even though I jump that much higher, it's still out of reach.

Never mind right? There's always the next event? And if the bar stays at the same height, then we know who won't find it a challenge and say it's too easy as well. And we know whales and spenders progress faster than everyone else, the divide just gets wider and wider, because they get full event rewards but we don't.
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Re: F2P is officially dead.

Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:19 pm

Nope. My point is very plain and simply this.
The bar shouldnt be too high for a player playing from day 1. Beta is beta, whales will be whales, but you do not make your events just to suit these players, you should make your events to the level of someone who is playing from day 1! Simple as that!
There is a very simple reason most games wipe after beta, because of inconsistencies like these! You cannot make the event hard enough for beta that it would be feasible for non beta players to complete, but yet you cannot make it feasible to complete for official launch players, but keep it consistently challenging for beta! This is NOT a level playing field and experience on both ends will obviously be different!
But you SHOULD cater to the majority! And I doubt beta + whales will be the majority. Majority of spenders maybe, but not your player base majority. You will not get new spenders if your new crowd do not enjoy your events or find it fair.
Your first 2 line said something very plain, simple and clear. You are admitting that you looked up at the bar and you are not willing to try and reach for it but instead asking for the bar the be lowered.

You can argue back: who say I(you) never try and reach for it.

Yeah I believe you did, i really do. But to reach the highest bar is not a instant thing. I'm sure you reached somewhere up in the "bar", and you set your eyes on the highest bar, and that is fine! But be a bit realistic, you know how well your team can do right now. But can still can train a bit harder to reach your goal.

I think of it as: trial of strength. Everyone can enter, but how far can you reach. Can't the reach the top? Try again when you are stronger.

Yes yes. This event is time limited. It should be. If not, it will not be labelled as "event" but a quest or something.

Do you agree that you are admitting to, you, trying to reach for the highest bar but couldn't reach it and asking for the bar the be lowered instead?
In essence you are right but bear in mind this, does this bar stay at the same height all the way?
So this event it's too high for me just like the Halloween event. That's fine! I sucked it up and skipped that too to level and progress in story. So the next event the bar goes up again and even though I jump that much higher, it's still out of reach.

Never mind right? There's always the next event? And if the bar stays at the same height, then we know who won't find it a challenge and say it's too easy as well. And we know whales and spenders progress faster than everyone else, the divide just gets wider and wider, because they get full event rewards but we don't.
I think you missed the facts that people that started from day 1 were able to do the 21 Trials of event. Just proves that the difficulty for this event is not impossible for day 1 players.
But you mustn't ignore the fact the the game doesn't only have events. Even if you're getting floored with the Legendary in the event there are still some aspects of the game that you can possible enjoy. It's a game, try to have fun on other parts of the game.
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Re: F2P is officially dead.

Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:52 pm

There just too many quote if i want to reply to all your post halekuuu but did i or dint i not say about the lulu and aria event?? During cbt start, right of the bat the lulu event was live and after a month of cbt, the aria event.

If u take out the cbt players out of the equation. Most whalers that start from the launch date will have a chance completing the achievement compare to f2p players. What u mostly see now is the achievement of the cbt players.

So if there a data wipe and the event format is like for what is now and most whalers complete it. Are u gonna rant saying why create an event where only whalers can complete it next???

And like i said before. Your ranting about f2p dont have a baseline at all. And yeah i like your terminology on a 100m dash with some start at 80m..what an idiot meta to boot. Then why make a 100m dash if there some start at 80m mark.

The platform is the same..the benchmark is the same. Only what u have and willing to do that makes a differennce. Its u yourself, dont make a fuss of what others can or already have and that u dont have.
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Re: F2P is officially dead.

Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:13 pm

Your first 2 line said something very plain, simple and clear. You are admitting that you looked up at the bar and you are not willing to try and reach for it but instead asking for the bar the be lowered.

You can argue back: who say I(you) never try and reach for it.

Yeah I believe you did, i really do. But to reach the highest bar is not a instant thing. I'm sure you reached somewhere up in the "bar", and you set your eyes on the highest bar, and that is fine! But be a bit realistic, you know how well your team can do right now. But can still can train a bit harder to reach your goal.

I think of it as: trial of strength. Everyone can enter, but how far can you reach. Can't the reach the top? Try again when you are stronger.

Yes yes. This event is time limited. It should be. If not, it will not be labelled as "event" but a quest or something.

Do you agree that you are admitting to, you, trying to reach for the highest bar but couldn't reach it and asking for the bar the be lowered instead?
In essence you are right but bear in mind this, does this bar stay at the same height all the way?
So this event it's too high for me just like the Halloween event. That's fine! I sucked it up and skipped that too to level and progress in story. So the next event the bar goes up again and even though I jump that much higher, it's still out of reach.

Never mind right? There's always the next event? And if the bar stays at the same height, then we know who won't find it a challenge and say it's too easy as well. And we know whales and spenders progress faster than everyone else, the divide just gets wider and wider, because they get full event rewards but we don't.
I think you missed the facts that people that started from day 1 were able to do the 21 Trials of event. Just proves that the difficulty for this event is not impossible for day 1 players.
But you mustn't ignore the fact the the game doesn't only have events. Even if you're getting floored with the Legendary in the event there are still some aspects of the game that you can possible enjoy. It's a game, try to have fun on other parts of the game.
True, this is where the bazaar comes into play. Bazaar was introduce 1st on holloween event. Before if u dont complete achievement, u aint getting nothing. Theres alot of aspect, tricks n turns for all types of players. Its u who need to experiment n trial n error to test it. ( sorry im not replying this to u raizen, its for halekuuu).

Sorry if my metafore is wrongly placed, its like gambling. When u think u can win, u put down bets. U lose, and u put again, u lose. This go on and on, so when do u gonna save for the big fish?

Same as for the event, why u not hold back for an event or two. Not saying dont participate at all, keep it mediacore. Till u think u can give a shot at the highest prize, then u start aiming. Im giving u a suggestion here, but up to u yourself u want to listen or not.

Still, if u still want the hero sooo damn much..dont whining to others and blaming the game to not having to your level. The graph always goes down from not many complete the achievement to only a few complete it.
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Re: F2P is officially dead.

Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:28 am

There just too many quote if i want to reply to all your post halekuuu but did i or dint i not say about the lulu and aria event?? During cbt start, right of the bat the lulu event was live and after a month of cbt, the aria event.

If u take out the cbt players out of the equation. Most whalers that start from the launch date will have a chance completing the achievement compare to f2p players. What u mostly see now is the achievement of the cbt players.

So if there a data wipe and the event format is like for what is now and most whalers complete it. Are u gonna rant saying why create an event where only whalers can complete it next???

And like i said before. Your ranting about f2p dont have a baseline at all. And yeah i like your terminology on a 100m dash with some start at 80m..what an idiot meta to boot. Then why make a 100m dash if there some start at 80m mark.

The platform is the same..the benchmark is the same. Only what u have and willing to do that makes a differennce. Its u yourself, dont make a fuss of what others can or already have and that u dont have.
Okay so what I can infer from your input is that the events have been same difficulty since cbt? Ok then that gives a lot of people hope because like I said, the devs don't communicate if they raise the bar, keep the bar level etc, introduce new playgrounds etc. my only concern is scaling difficulty, which makes sense in a game like this where people are rapidly progressing. There is no achievement if everyone reaches end game 2 months into the game, and scaling this difficulty to suit only the top end of your player base doesn't seem to make sense either, you introduce a wall more than half your players can't handle, and pile on the bricks as events come.

But anyway this is something for the devs to know and implement but yeah I get your point. Like I said before in a level playing field I wouldn't have a thing to say. Maybe they should have had 2 servers after all who knows.
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Re: F2P is officially dead.

Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:44 am

In essence you are right but bear in mind this, does this bar stay at the same height all the way?
So this event it's too high for me just like the Halloween event. That's fine! I sucked it up and skipped that too to level and progress in story. So the next event the bar goes up again and even though I jump that much higher, it's still out of reach.

Never mind right? There's always the next event? And if the bar stays at the same height, then we know who won't find it a challenge and say it's too easy as well. And we know whales and spenders progress faster than everyone else, the divide just gets wider and wider, because they get full event rewards but we don't.
I think you missed the facts that people that started from day 1 were able to do the 21 Trials of event. Just proves that the difficulty for this event is not impossible for day 1 players.
But you mustn't ignore the fact the the game doesn't only have events. Even if you're getting floored with the Legendary in the event there are still some aspects of the game that you can possible enjoy. It's a game, try to have fun on other parts of the game.
True, this is where the bazaar comes into play. Bazaar was introduce 1st on holloween event. Before if u dont complete achievement, u aint getting nothing. Theres alot of aspect, tricks n turns for all types of players. Its u who need to experiment n trial n error to test it. ( sorry im not replying this to u raizen, its for halekuuu).

Sorry if my metafore is wrongly placed, its like gambling. When u think u can win, u put down bets. U lose, and u put again, u lose. This go on and on, so when do u gonna save for the big fish?

Same as for the event, why u not hold back for an event or two. Not saying dont participate at all, keep it mediacore. Till u think u can give a shot at the highest prize, then u start aiming. Im giving u a suggestion here, but up to u yourself u want to listen or not.

Still, if u still want the hero sooo damn much..dont whining to others and blaming the game to not having to your level. The graph always goes down from not many complete the achievement to only a few complete it.
Yes I did skip the Halloween event. Obviously when a new event comes you will try it and don't you find the skill gap between heroic and legendary huge?

Ppl miscontrue my posts and indirectly infer that I am after the rewards. Don't mind me, I think all the rewards are crap, regardless 30 60 or 100%. When you compare to the rewards of the Halloween event the current one IS lackluster. But that wasn't my real point. I just put an opinion out there that the difficulty could be better adjusted, and all the accusations that I want it easy or want an easy game come out. This is a public forum I expect these comments but it's tiring when people don't read and I have to keep repeating.

Anyway my posts here are not really for anyone but in hope that the devs read all the discussions and do what they think is correct, because we aren't paid to discuss here, if nothing happens it's just a waste of time, but at least it wasn't for a lack of trying to get a point across.
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Re: F2P is officially dead.

Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:27 am

I think nerfing too much is extreme, however there can be cases where events should be slightly more lax-ed for players.
if truly there was a challenge mode for games, probably something like a Trial tower or a single-player raid mode or a self-progressing endless wave dungeon feature would be more appropriate. themed events normally in other games (dont flame me for this, because this is true and im not comparing directly here) are for players to collect seasonal characters and simply earn some freebies/have fun.
It's just the 21* completion that gets me. I can't even get 1* without burning gems.
I just kinda want some clarification, are you saying you can't clear normal without burning gems? I want to know your line up and how new you are... We know you're at least level 10 to unlock Events tab, but you should be able to clear normal if you have played 1 week unless you're super busy and only play when you're free.
Are you dumb or blind?
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Re: F2P is officially dead.

Thu Nov 24, 2016 9:03 am

I think you missed the facts that people that started from day 1 were able to do the 21 Trials of event. Just proves that the difficulty for this event is not impossible for day 1 players.
But you mustn't ignore the fact the the game doesn't only have events. Even if you're getting floored with the Legendary in the event there are still some aspects of the game that you can possible enjoy. It's a game, try to have fun on other parts of the game.
True, this is where the bazaar comes into play. Bazaar was introduce 1st on holloween event. Before if u dont complete achievement, u aint getting nothing. Theres alot of aspect, tricks n turns for all types of players. Its u who need to experiment n trial n error to test it. ( sorry im not replying this to u raizen, its for halekuuu).

Sorry if my metafore is wrongly placed, its like gambling. When u think u can win, u put down bets. U lose, and u put again, u lose. This go on and on, so when do u gonna save for the big fish?

Same as for the event, why u not hold back for an event or two. Not saying dont participate at all, keep it mediacore. Till u think u can give a shot at the highest prize, then u start aiming. Im giving u a suggestion here, but up to u yourself u want to listen or not.

Still, if u still want the hero sooo damn much..dont whining to others and blaming the game to not having to your level. The graph always goes down from not many complete the achievement to only a few complete it.
Yes I did skip the Halloween event. Obviously when a new event comes you will try it and don't you find the skill gap between heroic and legendary huge?

Ppl miscontrue my posts and indirectly infer that I am after the rewards. Don't mind me, I think all the rewards are crap, regardless 30 60 or 100%. When you compare to the rewards of the Halloween event the current one IS lackluster. But that wasn't my real point. I just put an opinion out there that the difficulty could be better adjusted, and all the accusations that I want it easy or want an easy game come out. This is a public forum I expect these comments but it's tiring when people don't read and I have to keep repeating.

Anyway my posts here are not really for anyone but in hope that the devs read all the discussions and do what they think is correct, because we aren't paid to discuss here, if nothing happens it's just a waste of time, but at least it wasn't for a lack of trying to get a point across.
Oh yes..very much on all the past event the difficulty level in heroic and legendary is quite far substantially. Well..all i can say is they ( vf team ) have their own standard ( bar level ) of difficulty, the one that we can give feedback to make it balance is@are the distribution of drop, price redeem in bazaar. Pretty much that the common thing that they can easily tweek.

As for the difficulty, that will come back to the players data that they get from the event. If the event, let say 20% of players achieve the final goal and reach their ( vf ) benchmark. Pretty much there wont have a change on the game format.

For example in last event ( holloween ), the hickup is pretty much the arena wall. Vf team did change the initial requirement from 100 to 50, and my guess is alot of players stuck for not have enough opportunity to finish it coz arena is orb dependent where in a day u have 24 time only.

So i say, f2p is dead isnt actually true. There a wopping whole lot more content yet to be released here. So be patient like u play summoners war for 3 years and have fun. I played it but last like 6 month then im gone.