Sun May 07, 2017 2:51 pm
Well, Elementalist Talisa is pretty good, just not OP as a summoner. Primarily the reason to use her is to stun enemy units at the right time, not just to stop enemy skill usage, but also to force enemy units that have their cooldowns almost available to make a move - this forces them to skip using their skill for that round of moves, and allow you to capitalize on that. Positioning her pet is slightly trickier because her floor burning can also hurt allies, this makes the pet slightly less desirable for holding a center tile to prevent an enemy Guardian from stepping on it.
Using Elementalist Talisa basically requires more thought and skill than using Warlock Talisa. People don't complain about Talisa Elementalist because the enemy AI tends to use the pet stun so badly. If a unit is such that it can be used skillfully by a player, but used pretty badly by the AI - this alone makes it not overpowered in my eyes since the current Arena is asymmetrical in design. While the AI also summons Sven's pet in awful places, the pet can still be triggered to attack for free by other units next to Sven, though in practice, Sven should usually be ignored in favour of killing Talisa first. It's actually pretty hard for the AI to use Talisa Warlock incorrectly.
In the current top 100, about 70% of players have at least 2 of Sven/Talisa/Ronan along with 2 guardians. If that many players are running the same setup, I really don't call that "more variety of squads". The remainder is either running 3-4 guardians, or 3-4 rangers, both of which are very hard to gear up for as most people spread out equipping their 5*s heroes across the 6 job classes.
As for tanks squads, there are a few heroes that can reduce enemy Defense for a short while - they can potentially counter tank squads. But they aren't quite there yet, because Ronan's -20% per stack is fairly unreliable, Izumi's -40% is too slow (and charming Guardians sucks), and likewise for Shizu's -30%. By slow, I mean that their skill is on 4 turns cooldown, so if you use it on the first round, you only have 1 unit left to move to capitalize on it in the first round, and the enemy guardians already scored 20-30 points on the center tiles, so even if you kill them after, the score doesn't make up for it. Besides, the shadows are more likely to die first to poison, heh. The fact the -Def% debuff only lasts 2 turns is another problem, since it would require you to move 2 attack-based units right after they use their -Def skill to take advantage of it.
To sum it up, there's very little right now that can deal with tank squads outside of pushback, swaps and knockbacks. You CAN beat them, but making a squad to do so means you'll die to the hordes of Talisa/Sven squads in the current metagame. I would run a 4 guardian squad if I could. I just lack the gear and units for it - and I believe this is the case for most players, the main reason why there aren't many players running tank squads yet.