I still do not see what the fuss is about.
Newer player can do the event. They will not finish it, but that is why there are different points in the game. They could reach 25 and 50%. Saying it is not accessible to them is false. They cannot finish it at 100% but still get rewards that help in their personal growth.
People who think that after the beta they should have reset the game to make it equal are delusional. The wales would have been at the same point as they are now,and the beta players would have gotten the prestige advantage + we all would have had a ton of gems as compensation for our purchases and lost gems during the reset. In no way would a reset have made things " equal ".
I feel like i am going to get allot of backfire for this but hey here it goes:
It feels like going into a AAA game like CoD and people who started playing complaining they dont have acces to all the nice guns and perks of being higher level.
I do agree we have to help newer players, that can be accomplished be writing some nice guides to pass the event and make them understand the mechanics of the game.That will truly help them.
Cheers fellow gamers ( new and old i love you all )
The issue here is the visibility of the struggle of new players for a NEW GAME. Again I don't care about BETA players you've had months in advance blah blah. Non factor.
They have taken a step back from what they did last event, wherein EVEN new players CAN finish the event quests. The difference now is, like you said,
"Newer player can do the event. They will not finish it, but that is why there are different points in the game. They could reach 25 and 50%. Saying it is not accessible to them is false. They cannot finish it at 100% but still get rewards that help in their personal growth."
This makes it already NOT accessible to them! No matter how you twist and turn it, it is not accessible in every facet or angle for a new player. Accessibility means everyone can enter in a variety of ways that lead to the same destination. This event is NOT accessible, especially with the time constraint. It cannot be reached just by anyone. Unlike the previous event. Wherein if you start playing at the start or even midway of the event you CAN still 100% the Event Quests but you do not get the Ladder Rewards. There's a trade-off, there's a visible difference. Right now not completing the Event Quests to 100% seems like a massive disappointment when you've managed to do it before! The trade-off should come from somewhere.
No point mentioning BETA again and again. The developers are constantly tugging between BETA players and new players to balance things. They decided that there should be no wipe, they should face that decision with equal opportunities for the new and old players.
Your CoD analogy doesn't apply here. The new players aren't grieving that they don't have everything, they're grieving that they're not able to participate at a difficulty SUITED for them. They're playing at a field where old players are battling it out and they're just joining in and grabbing whatever is left behind.
The previous event players reached 100% because the devs reduced the difficulty in the last 3 days so NO people joining midway or at the end did originaly NOT have a chance to finish it. The unannounced extension and nerf did it. So you analogy is flawed compared to the previous event.
Accessibility is the acces to an event, no matter how you turn it, they have access and can reach a reasonable completion rate. Wich is the case. The destination is the same, but not everybody reaches it at the same speed. Thats the game.
People are complaining as if this is the last event ever made. There will be others, and this event is a stepstone to ALL players new and old to be better prepared for the next event. This event is not the end of the game so i do not consider it as the goal and destination to reach. I consider it as a stepstone that will allow me to clear 100% of the legendary story game and make me stronger to compete even more in the arena and the events to come.
And on your last point, the players DO have a difficulty suited for them. That seems like the whole point of this discussion. They have a difficulty suited for them, but want the rewards of the difficulties they are not suited for.
I feel like being at an olympic competition where the bronze medal winner throws a tantrum because he was not fast enough but still wants the gold medal and calls it unfaire because the two other guys were faster as him.
We all have the same road, up to the new players to build their teams and get stronger so they to can compete for the gold medal.
And lets not kid ourselves, it does not take ages to become competitive in this game. It takes what? 2 weeks ( im being generous ) to have a decent team and start doing the more difficult stuff. If people are too impatient to build their team thats up to them.
This game is very generous with the currencies allowing everybody to grow at a fast pace.
Older players have reached a cap now, the rewards they are giving are not helping us advance so the separation between old and new is shrinking each day.