Nobody is expecting everyone to reach 100%, this is surely your legendary tophat at work again, with your imaginary bunnies.
I only asked for reasonably obtainable. Look at the huge skill gap between heroic and legendary, and tell me also what is the % increase of hp of the chests itself.
If I look hard enough, I probably will be able to find that magical group of about 10 people who have spent maybe less than SGD 60, played since official launch, and maybe some really atrocious luck with gacha who have managed to clear legendary (and even so maybe not all trials, but who knows). But is this handful of people supposed to be your expected normal event crowd?
There are already a number of purely F2P players posting how they got over the trials in Facebook groups. You are just one of those who aren't willing to experiment, or just wanting everything to be served nicely on a plate for you.
Yes of course, i'll just take your word for it yes? Yes.
Love how you group everyone who doesnt agree with you under the whole "entitled" label. Very refreshing.
Haiz...look..what are u looking for actually with all those ranting? What are u expecting out of the event? Ask yourself..can u do it??? Can u achieve it??
Theres a feedback and suggestion collumn here in the forum itself. Suggest it there or improve the suggestion thats already been there.
Why arguing with fellow players. Just coz cant complete/ compete with the difficulty of the legendary level?? Or are u too salty looking at people achieving it and u cant??
Difficulties / challages are meant to be beaten. The dev wont launch the even if its not beatable. At certain point at the game u will meet with bumps and limits.
Yess bazaar is one way to get the new hero, but its all up to u think if u are up fot the challage. Dont give excuses, say such, oh..hes a p2p so he can do it, oh..hes a cbt so he can do it. Dont be bs.
The 100% achievement are well made and known for the veterens and hardcore players. For the other types of players that u mention, u got the bazaar, as simple as that.
Dont blame and ranting others for your incompetance. U looking for constructive discussion yet u dont put a baseline of what a f2p can or could do. U cant go to the 2nd floor without going to the 1st floor. This is what, 23 days. 23 DAYS from launch date. U see even some cbt f2p has difficulties and some has pass the 21/21 trials. They play for 3 month++, did u know that.
Is the last lulu and aria event, i tell u here
.not all players achieve the 100% coz of 1 hickup, complete all * trials. Yet the feedback are not like this.
For all u new players out there. Measure your own capability and not look at others achievement as a discracement for your own incapability. Grow your team, how u do it its up to u yourself how to do it.