When they released the latest weapon bundle i thought in the short run that must ruin this game soon. Why ?? , I'm afraid when they released next bundle once or two time soon paid item more OP than normal item beacuse PTW player can raise his unit status more than FTP player with a Paid item set, Then this game will no balance anymore, Like chinese game who paid more they strongest more than who never paid, Sure at last FTP player never beat PTW player no matter what you you have 5* set like him or not.
I have an idea for this case,
1.Tthey could fix for balance such a Paid set have a same power like normal set but if you paid you get that set first, For who never paid you must spend more time to create that set.
2.Guarantee about paid set can create or can get by lucky draw in the future when bundle set released time is gone for 1 month or 2 month.
How about you think you can discuss.
I'm sorry for my language, i'm thai people and i can communicate with a little eng language if you dont understand you can ask me for explain.