Paladin Faye is a goddess in Arena. Use her well and you can climb really fast.Just realized my Faye can only go to HD and Paladin, so I guess she would become Paladin then
My victoria is zeus and I make her paladin, until I can get a kratos faith. Paladin is good for damage absorb,esp in PvP. And you pair her with faye HD. This 2 is almost unkillable..Paladin Faye is a goddess in Arena. Use her well and you can climb really fast.Just realized my Faye can only go to HD and Paladin, so I guess she would become Paladin then
Holy Defender Faye apparently does really well in Legendary Event fights. So depends on what you want. I had a HD Faye that I never really use but starting to train her as might be of use.
I second this. I use my HD in both PvP and PvE and works great. I currently alternate between a Semi-Tile Control and Double Ronan lineup for PvP and HD Faye works just great. For PvE, I managed to clear all Legendary stages (Phoenix Event, Elemental Boss shiz event, current event) and Master stage (current event) so far with Faye included in my line-up. I constantly get 1.2k+ in the snowman event with Faye also in the line-up.Paladin Faye for PvP and HD Faye for both PvP and PvE.
Paladin is really good in PvP especially against Ronan users (though still RIP vs 2 Ronan users). Nothing feels better than watching an overpowered character kill himself. HD also removes enemy buffs which is also good against enemies in PvP (removes shields, immunities, attack buffs) and has a taunt for PvE and a 50% shield based on her HP.
I have both Paladin and HD, and I'd have to say they're both great but HD works better for my lineup and strategy.