1.) Just got an Althena Zedd. Im torn between going Elementalist or Mindwarder. I am sort of leaning Mindwarder since it seems to have better utility. Any Advice?What are pros and cons of each?
2.) Is Theresa that much better than Luthor? I have an Althena Luthor with 3 extra dupes vs a Kratos Teresa with no Dupes. Looking at Inquisitor (which is what both are heading too) They seem pretty tied.
3.) I just got a Zeus Vincent. Torn between Gladiator and Berserker. Any advice?
Aside from those 3 (Zedd/Healer/Vincent). My party will be made up of a Ares Kai Ninja and a Hera Grand Ranger Kane. I do have a Victoria Chaos Knight who I am waiting to reroll Faith(she is Hera) too for Arena)
1. Go for mind warder as he is more usfull than elementalist nowadays, they don't diffrenciated much just their skills and stat is quite diffrent, but in area and quest mindwarder gives more advantages.
2. Hmm in opinion yes teresa is slightly have more useful aura than luthor, but luthor is not bad either and you have 4 of them which can makes them to lvl36. For luthor i think is better you go for archbishop inquisitor luthor is not that usefull, or if you want to grow both make teresa inquisitor and luthor wicth doctor .
3. I think is better for your vincent zeus to be berserker or warlords, as nowadays many arena player used berserker, but it then depend on your team composition yo want to make, but overall i prefer berserker than the other class ass he increase others in aura ATK (usefull for destroying event chest, kill monster in adventure, pvp front line).