Hi, newish to the game (Day 8). I have 12 valiantite right now - should I save up for a 5* Ticket/3* Selector or just go ahead and get a Pixie?
My current line-up of 5* potentials is this:
5* Ares Magebane Shizu,
4* Kratos Rogue Kai (Ninja to be),
4* Kratos Lancer Vincent (Gladiator/Dragoon to be, have yet to decide),
4* Ares Sage Theresa (Witch Doctor to be, will be 5* by tomorrow)
3* Ares Mage Ronan
So as you can see, I've had pretty good luck with the 5* Potentials but not so much with their faiths... so is Pixie the wiser choice? I think my Theresa might be the priority here. Thanks!
You have a good line up there, so I guess it's ok to get a Pixie. But personally I wouldn't focus on changing the healer's faith first though.
Recommend to use it for Kai or Ronan. Or just keep your valianite in case you want to exchange for new heroes to come, since faith only have more effect after your heroes are max upgraded and you are near end-game content.