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[THEORY] Luthor as a Healer

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:35 am
by Sikolovsky
Good Morning Everyone...

I know I still newbie, but I just want to share my opinion about one of our capable healer in this game [LUTHOR] which is seems many people say it bad or worse than Teresa

I will compare this hero with another preferrably healer TERESA. Why Teresa? because they have similar stats and non valiants hero.

Note : Skills is taken from *5 +2 lvl 30 Skill

Inquisitor Job
  • Active Skill : Heal party 120% Mag + Cleanse Party + Mag up 25% for 2 turns Party of hero's MAG (7 Turn CD)
  • Aura : Increase Mag 13% and Def 12% of hero's MAG

  • Active Skill : Heal party 120% Mag + Cleanse Party + Heal 10% Mag for 2 turns (7 Turn CD)
  • Aura : Heal 30% hero's Mag every turn
As you can see, for the skill set and aura, both is strong in their way. Luthor seems offer 25% Mag up ( if luthor had 5000 Mag, it offer 1250 Mag up) very good for Mystic team and himself as a healer. while Teresa offer 10% heal for turn, for this case I prefer 25% mag up than 10% heal. 
Now for Aura comparation, Bonus Mag and Def stat by 13% (Equall to 600 stat) is good for mystic offensively or defensively. Teresa offer heal every turn which is nice also. for this case, Both is good but Teresa Aura more defensively better.

Archbishop Job

  • Active Skill : Heal 1 target 260% Mag + Cleanse Target + Buff Def 50% hero's Mag (5 Turn CD)
  • Aura : Heal 30% hero's Mag every turn

  • Active Skill : Heal Party 120% Mag + Shield 80% of Hero's Mag for 2 turns (7 Turn CD)
  • Aura : 75% chance to Heal 30% when gets Hit

The Archbishop job is more interesting. Luthor offer 1 target BIG heal with def buff and cleanse in short CD (5 Turn) this is very good to treat ur dps after Ranger's Skill hit your dps or maybe stun your dps while Teresa offer heal party and shield HP which is very nice for PVE or PVP. 
Both of them has similar Aura but Teresa has 75% chance which is has small chance to fail triggered but has a chance to trigger more than 1 time each turn So this is subjective. 

TLDR : Luthor is a nice healer to have in your team, both IQ and AB job offer nice support and heal which is Teresa not have in some part. So Luthor and Teresa both is good in their way. No one is better or worse. Give some love to Luthor :D

Pardon my English because it's not my 1st Language

Re: [THEORY] Luthor as a Healer

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:53 am
by whodahackii
Very good read, overally people don't like Luthor maybe because he is not a waifu material (wait does this makes kahuna a better candidate?!) jokes aside-

The luthor IQ aura is stat boost type, hmm, I've been overlooking this for so long! Stat boost is EXCEPTIONALLY strong in PVP fight, the 10%+ boost in any kind of stat is invaluable in short-fire fight such as PVP, so I would say, I agreed with you on Luthor being a 'good choice' in a squad =D

Re: [THEORY] Luthor as a Healer

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:23 am
by Sikolovsky
Very good read, overally people don't like Luthor maybe because he is not a waifu material (wait does this makes kahuna a better candidate?!) jokes aside-

The luthor IQ aura is stat boost type, hmm, I've been overlooking this for so long! Stat boost is EXCEPTIONALLY strong in PVP fight, the 10%+ boost in any kind of stat is invaluable in short-fire fight such as PVP, so I would say, I agreed with you on Luthor being a 'good choice' in a squad =D
That's the 1st what I think, Becase HE is not SHE is, LOL JK. I personally like the character of Teresa, glasses girl that can heal  :roll:
Anyway thanks for your feedback hope you like my preferences about Luthor :D

Re: [THEORY] Luthor as a Healer

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:12 pm
by Xue
Hello, I've already tried to theorize the usage of the older and forgotten units but the current units far outclass these in both PvE and PvP.

Sure, this argument is flawed: "why use x when you can use y?"; people with limited units have less units to work with but if you have Luthor, Teresa and Lucille, which one would you want to use? But we have Bloodstones for Arena Heroes and Valianites for Hero Selectors so that is not a valid argument, hence I find the need to compare them. Why invest on a unit that will simply be benched forever?

I do not want to undermine the usefulness of them but it is simply cold, hard facts.

If you do not have a Lucille, you may use Luthor Inqusitor as a persistent buff aura slave to buff the DEF and MAG of your units, but the 7 turn cooldown on Luthor Inquisitor for the buff on MAG is simply useless most of the time if you are in PvP - given examples of the currently popular teams:
1. 2 Fayes: Just 2 Fayes will completely negate the usefulness of Luthor Inquisitor - a 7 turn cooldown buff on MAG when the shield has a ridiculously high uptime so your Mystics will be unable to do anything. This does not include the possibility of Lucille in the team so even if you managed to take down one of them you may find Luthor better slotted by another unit. Someone like Drake or Holy Defender Faye to remove shields would serve better, or double Ronan to chew through the shields if you have good RNG.
2. 3 to 4 Rangers: Again, Luthor may help with his persistent aura but only if you get lucky and the triggers do not go out of hand, the bonus provided by his active does not matter when Mystics already rips Rangers to pieces (if they survive). Sneak in a Ninja, and Luthor only has the persistent DEF buff to protect against their chain attacks whereas a unit like BK Aden would help you to survive against both Rangers and them, or a Paladin Faye to mitigate the damage taken.
3. Talissa: Yes, Talissa, the definition of powercreep. She may not be popular (yet) but against some teams (with decent support) she is horrifying. Inquisitor Luthor offers nothing in his arsenal against her. She can cast 2 spells if she goes first and by the time your Luthor can cast hi- nevermind that, you already died or lost to the capture points.
Let's see who else has similar auras: Aden Chaos Knight and Inquisitor Sienna, the former far outclasses both Sienna and Luthor plus he can break the formation of the other team, which gives you chance to defeat the opposing Mystic team that is slowly getting popular to counter the Trigger-Happy-Ranger Meta.
If you want a better MAG active skill, Paladin Faye has one on a 5 turn cooldown.

Sorry if I sounded like a smart-ass in my post but I simply cannot see why anyone would use the priest path of Luthor and Teresa, right now. They are relics of the past. Similar to Zedd on the Invoker path and to a lesser extent Kiera.

tl;dr: Guardians (the newer ones) are better healers than Healers.

Re: [THEORY] Luthor as a Healer

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:12 am
by Sikolovsky
Hello, I've already tried to theorize the usage of the older and forgotten units but the current units far outclass these in both PvE and PvP.

Sure, this argument is flawed: "why use x when you can use y?"; people with limited units have less units to work with but if you have Luthor, Teresa and Lucille, which one would you want to use? But we have Bloodstones for Arena Heroes and Valianites for Hero Selectors so that is not a valid argument, hence I find the need to compare them. Why invest on a unit that will simply be benched forever?

I do not want to undermine the usefulness of them but it is simply cold, hard facts.

If you do not have a Lucille, you may use Luthor Inqusitor as a persistent buff aura slave to buff the DEF and MAG of your units, but the 7 turn cooldown on Luthor Inquisitor for the buff on MAG is simply useless most of the time if you are in PvP - given examples of the currently popular teams:
1. 2 Fayes: Just 2 Fayes will completely negate the usefulness of Luthor Inquisitor - a 7 turn cooldown buff on MAG when the shield has a ridiculously high uptime so your Mystics will be unable to do anything. This does not include the possibility of Lucille in the team so even if you managed to take down one of them you may find Luthor better slotted by another unit. Someone like Drake or Holy Defender Faye to remove shields would serve better, or double Ronan to chew through the shields if you have good RNG.
2. 3 to 4 Rangers: Again, Luthor may help with his persistent aura but only if you get lucky and the triggers do not go out of hand, the bonus provided by his active does not matter when Mystics already rips Rangers to pieces (if they survive). Sneak in a Ninja, and Luthor only has the persistent DEF buff to protect against their chain attacks whereas a unit like BK Aden would help you to survive against both Rangers and them, or a Paladin Faye to mitigate the damage taken.
3. Talissa: Yes, Talissa, the definition of powercreep. She may not be popular (yet) but against some teams (with decent support) she is horrifying. Inquisitor Luthor offers nothing in his arsenal against her. She can cast 2 spells if she goes first and by the time your Luthor can cast hi- nevermind that, you already died or lost to the capture points.
Let's see who else has similar auras: Aden Chaos Knight and Inquisitor Sienna, the former far outclasses both Sienna and Luthor plus he can break the formation of the other team, which gives you chance to defeat the opposing Mystic team that is slowly getting popular to counter the Trigger-Happy-Ranger Meta.
If you want a better MAG active skill, Paladin Faye has one on a 5 turn cooldown.

Sorry if I sounded like a smart-ass in my post but I simply cannot see why anyone would use the priest path of Luthor and Teresa, right now. They are relics of the past. Similar to Zedd on the Invoker path and to a lesser extent Kiera.

tl;dr: Guardians (the newer ones) are better healers than Healers.
Wow, interesting input mate.
I like the way you thinking about the healer class that honestly outclasses by some guardians hero. Faye is the one which is arguebly the best tank heroes have a skillset that can shield, taunt, and offensively strip enemies buff / reflect dmg party which is very nice, and their aura that can heal each hit base on HP which is very nice also.
My point in this topic is, I just want to open some people's eye that Luthor as a healer is not that bad which some people may say luthor is fodder. :(
But I got some insight about your input, Yeah, Inq Job is really not good honestly because of their very long cd. 
How about the AB job of luthor that has short CD Big heal one target? Do you have some opinion about healer that might be worth it to invest for a newer player (Like me :D)

Re: [THEORY] Luthor as a Healer

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:47 am
by uratex16
Not really good as a really :(

Re: [THEORY] Luthor as a Healer

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:46 am
by Taiyouna
Maybe Mystic wait to unleash skill after Mag buff?