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Which one is better : Leon BK or Leon Paladin?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 9:22 am
by wangxiaohu
Have to choose between the 2 : Which one is better : Leon BK or Leon Paladin? And why? Thank you

Re: Which one is better : Leon BK or Leon Paladin?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 10:39 pm
by Break
Personally I would go for BK, the pull effect from his skill and drain aura gives him a lot of utility, he could be used in SDD squads and also helps to have him in events like this or Capital last stand where you can just pull the boss towards you, saving you turns for moving towards it. 

As for Paladin I think it would be useful in arena against trigger teams? You could just build both of them to be honest, you can still get them from gold summons until the 11th of May, if you have the gold that is. 

TL/DR: I think BK is better